Ministry Of Health Temporarily Suspends The Use Of One Batch Of AstraZeneca Vaccine Due To The Case Of Dki Youth Died

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Health temporarily suspended the use of a batch of AstraZenexa vaccines with the type CTMAV547. This followed one young man dying after being vaccinated astrazeneca type CTMAV547.
Public Relations Ministry of Health Widyawati said a batch of astrazeneca vaccine that is suspended is currently being tested for toxicity and sterility by the Food and Drug Administration (BPOM).
"Not all batches of AstraZeneca vaccines are discontinued distribution and use. Only the CTMAV547 batch is suspended pending the results of investigations and testing from BPOM which may take one to two weeks," Widyawati said in a statement, Sunday, May 16.
This ctmav547 batch amounted to 448,480 doses and was part of AstraZeneca's 3,852,000 doses. The vaccine was received by Indonesia on April 26, 2021 through the Covax Facility scheme with WHO. This batch has been distributed to the TNI and partly to DKI Jakarta and North Sulawesi.
Widyawati mentioned, AstraZeneca Batch CTMAV547 sterility and toxicity test based on the recommendations of Komnas Genesis Follow-up Post Immunization (KIPI). This was done to find out the exact cause of the young people of DKI Jakarta who died.
"Komnas KIPI has recommended BPOM to conduct sterility and toxicity tests on the Group because there is not enough data to enforce the diagnosis of the cause and classification of kipi in question," widyawati said.
Separately, vaccination spokeswoman from the Ministry of Health, Siti Nadia Tarmizi ensured the AstraZeneca batch in addition to CTMAV547 was safe to use, so that the public did not have to worry when receiving injections of this vaccine.
"This is a form of government prudence to ensure the safety of this vaccine. The Ministry of Health urges the public to be calm and not consumed by the hoaxes that are circulating. People are expected to always access information from reliable sources," said Nadia.
Nadia stressed that based on Komnas KIPI data, there has never been an incident of people dying from COVID-19 vaccination in Indonesia.
"In some previous cases, the death of a person whose status has been vaccinated for COVID-19 is due to other causes, not the result of vaccinations received," he explained.
As is known, a 22-year-old man from Buaran, East Jakarta, named Trio Fauqi Virdaus died after being injected with AstraZeneca vaccine the day before.
Initially, Trio felt symptoms of hot fever after getting an injection of AstraZeneca vaccine at Istora Senayan on Wednesday, May 5.
The next day, Trio's condition weakened. He was then taken to hospital. However, Trio's life could not be saved. The trio were pronounced dead on Thursday, May 6 at around 12.30pm.