Indonesians Condemn Israel Bombarding Palestinians, Activists Warn In The Country Also Many Tragedies

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Pro-Democracy Activist Network (ProDEM) Iwan Sumule understands that as part of the international community, indonesians have the right to voice the humanitarian tragedy that occurred in Palestine. Moreover, the event took place when the world's Muslims celebrated Eid al-Fitr 1442 Hijri.

"We must sympathize with the humanitarian tragedy that occurred in Palestine, especially israel is doing when Muslims are celebrating Eid al-Fitr 1442 H," Iwan said in Jakarta, Sunday, May 16.

However, Iwan continued, Indonesian people do not need to dissolve in the oath of allegiance to Israel who commit aggression to Palestine. Because, in his own country there has also been a humanitarian tragedy.

Starting from the humanitarian tragedy talangsari, Lampung in 1989. According to Komnas HAM, the Talangsari tragedy has claimed 130 lives, 77 were forcibly relocated, 53 were arbitrarily deprived, and 46 others were tortured.

"The humanitarian tragedy of Talang Sari Lampung, less what when people are praying in the mosque was gunned down," said Iwan.

Later, there were forced evictions of citizens, unfair treatment, to the silencing of democracy activists. The latest is the KM 50 Cikampek Toll event that killed 6 FPI soldiers.

"So before Israel today committed crimes against humanity, we also did it first," said Iwan Sumule.