KPK Confirms 1,586 Employees Including Baswedan Novels Valuable Assets To Eradicate Corruption

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) confirms that 1,586 employees, including 75 employees who were declared ineligible (TMS) in the National Insight Test (TWK) assessment, are valuable assets in efforts to eradicate corruption.

This was conveyed by Acting Kpk Spokesperson for The Field of Enforcement Ali Fikri, related to polemics that occurred in the internal following the issuance of decrees (SK) related to the results of the assessment twk.

"For kpk, all employees of approximately 1,586 people are people of integrity and it's an asset for the institution in the eradication of corruption," Ali said in his written statement, Saturday, May 15.

He denied that the KPK leadership had deactivated 75 employees who had not passed the assessment, including senior KPK investigator Novel Baswedan. Because, all these employees still get the right and carry out their duties.

Not only that, Ali ensured that the activities in the deputy crackdown continued as usual. So are programs in other countries.

Because, the work done in KPK is based on the movement of non-individual teams. "However, a team was formed task force led by the head of the team or kasatgas with the control of the director of each directorate as his direct supervisor," he said.

Moreover, the submission of duties and responsibilities as in the Decree aims to prevent legal implications in the work carried out by the KPK. Thus, all duties and responsibilities of the 75 employees were handed over first to their superiors.

Furthermore, Ali insisted kpk will certainly take the best decision related to the fate of dozens of people. "KPK will take the best decision in accordance with the rules that apply to the results of the TWK from the BKN," he said.

Previously reported, the kpk leadership issued Decree No. 652 of 2021 concerning TWK Results conducted by 1,349 employees.

This letter contains four points, including asking employees who do not pass TWK to hand over their duties and responsibilities to their superiors.

The 75 employees are Novel Baswedan, Chairman of kpk employee forum who is also an investigator Yudi Purnomo, Director of Socialization and Anti-Corruption Campaign KPK Giri Suprapdiono, Kasatgas KPK Harun Al-Rasyid, and Director PJKAKI Sujarnarko.