Listen To Workers' Words, The Government Officially Delays Discussion Of The Employment Cluster Job Creation Bill

JAKARTA - The government and the DPR have officially decided to postpone the discussion of the Employment cluster in the Omnibus Law on the Work Creation Bill (RUU). As is known, this bill has drawn criticism because it is considered not to side with the workers.

Moreover, the discussion in the midst of the corona virus pandemic or COVID-19 is considered to be making the situation worse. This is because the labor union has threatened to take action against this Job Creation Bill.

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) stated that he had postponed the discussion of the draft Omnibus Law on Job Creation. Jokowi has told the DPR to postpone the discussion.

"Yesterday the government conveyed to the DPR and I also heard that the Speaker of the DPR had told the public that the discussion on the Employment cluster in the Job Creation Bill was postponed, according to the government's wishes," he said, in a virtual press conference at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, Friday, April 24th.

Then, Jokowi continued, with the postponement, the government and the DPR would have more time to explore the substance of the related articles.

"This is also to provide an opportunity for us to explore more about the substance of the related articles and also to get input from stakeholders," he explained.

As is known, the Job Creation Bill was previously requested directly by Jokowi to be completed within 100 days. However, then Jokowi gave an extension of time until May or Lebaran 2020.

The Work Creation Omnibus Law Bill is a draft proposed by President Jokowi in the second term of his administration. The regulation will combine 1,244 articles from 79 laws under the pretext of attracting foreign investment.

Trade Unions Cancel Action

Some time ago, the Confederation of Indonesian Workers Unions (KSPI) threatened to take action on April 30. This is if the government does not take the decision to postpone the discussion of the Omnibus Law on the Job Creation Bill in the midst of this pandemic.

The President of KSPI Said Iqbal said that his party would cancel the action, because as of today the government has issued an official statement regarding stopping or temporarily suspending the discussion of the Omnibus Law Bill on the work copyright work cluster during the pandemic.

"Thus, the labor union hereby declares whether or not to take action on April 30 at the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy and the DPR Building," said Said Iqbal.

KSPI and MPBI also appreciate President Jokowi's decision to listen to the views of all parties, including input from the labor union for the good of the entire nation and people of Indonesia.

"President Jokowi's decision is a momentum for all of us, including workers, to maintain Indonesia's unity in fighting COVID-19 and set a joint strategy to prevent emergency layoffs after the COVID-19 pandemic," he said.

Said Iqbal said President Jokowi also agreed to re-discuss the labor cluster by involving trade unions / labor unions. This is reflected in the president's statement that he will listen to the views of all stakeholders.

"There should be a re-discussion of the draft Employment Cluster Work Creation Bill which involves all stakeholders. The discussion will take place after the COVID-19 pandemic is over," he said.