Banten Police Prepare 8 Sealing Posts To Prevent Tourists Outside The Region

SERANG - Banten Police prepared eight sealing posts to prevent tourists from coming from outside Banten to tourist attractions in Banten.
Wakapolda Banten Brig. Gen. Ery Nursatari said, apple security for the preparedness of security of tourist attractions is carried out in anticipation of a surge of people who want to travel.
"On the second day of Eid al-Fitr, tourism becomes a solution for people to gather with family. And Banten has the characteristics of a very long beach tourism so many tourists become destinations. Moreover, Banten is very close to Jakarta, so it can be a solution for people outside Banten to travel here," he was quoted as saying by Antara, Friday, May 14.
In anticipation of the surge of people traveling, Banten Police held a security apple to check the preparedness of personnel in providing comfort for the people of Banten.
But Brig. Gen. Ery asserted, who can travel to Banten only the people of Banten itself. "With the implementation of the sealing, people from Jakarta or outside banten area should not travel here. We only secure for local tourism only," he said.
In addition, in order to prevent crowds during the Covid-19 pandemic, Banten Police also limited the number of visitors.
"And also we have set restrictions on visitors location, there is a provision of 50 percent, more than 50 percent we will close. And I'm sorry if we limit it because it's the rule. Where the goal is to prevent the spread of Covid-19 which is still troubling us all," continued Brig. Gen. Ery.
Meanwhile, Head of Public Relations of Banten Police Kombes Edy Sumardi, added in anticipation of people outside Banten to travel to Banten, Banten Police prepared eight sealing posts.
Based on a circular from Kasatgas COVID and the Minister of Transportation, for tourist sites that remain open only for local tourists. Therefore, it urges the whole community to stay at home alone not to leave the area to go to other areas.
"If you are traveling, please tour the local area. Where the goal is in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19," he said.
In anticipation of people from outside Banten who travel to banten area, Banten Police prepares 8 service post points and sealing to filter and check if there are people from outside the area.
"If there are stubborn people wanting to enter this area, then we will automatically turn around. Because this is already a rule that we must establish together," said Kombes Edy.