SZA And Lizzo Hold A Meditation Session On Instagram

JAKARTA - The COVID-19 pandemic that is increasingly spreading in the United States (US) has triggered various actions by music activists, including Lizzo and SZA. The two female soloists held a meditation session via Instagram on Thursday, April 23, as a medium of communication with fans.

The situation caused by the corona virus is realized to be mentally lowering so it becomes difficult to think positively. Lizzo and SZA also agreed to hold a 45-minute meditation session to help struggling fans.

The two simultaneously initiate meditation using instrumentals and objects that produce sound. SZA started the session by sharing discussions with friends about bioenergetics, which is the study of aura and energy to unite.

"I will invite some of my friends who like the sound of calm (healing) and are struggling with their emotional side," continued SZA,

After that, Lizzo came to bring his favorite flute to the session. He told how his extrovert side was severely tested due to the self-quarantine rule that he had implemented for more than a month. The Juice singer also explained a number of ways he could stay sane during this situation, one of which was by shouting out emotions.

Then, the two of them started playing the instruments they had. SZA uses Tibetan singing bowls to give a calm nuance. He is also seen sitting next to a crystal set which is known to provide positive energy benefits. Meanwhile, Lizzo plays his Sasha Flute to accompany the SZA game. Lizzo is known to often carry a flute when appearing on stage in the middle of the song bridge.

After the meditation session was done, Lizzo uploaded a piece of the session and wrote down; "Music is a tool to get high vibrations and open hearts. Many people don't understand it but they will feel it." He filled the second video with a caption of how to breathe slowly while listening to music by himself and SZA.

These two musicians understand the feelings of many people who are unable to move outside the home. Both SZA and Lizzo have had to postpone some appearances at music festivals and tours as well, but they try to think positively with frequent meditation. Today, there are many Instagram accounts and YouTube videos that can serve as simple guides for doing meditation at home.

In the United States, cases of the corona virus reached 890 thousand with 82,843 declared cured while 50,372 were declared dead. This figure makes the US the country with the highest cases worldwide.