Central Java Police Chief Visited The Site Of Firecracker Explosion That Killed 4 People In Kebumen

JAKARTA - Central Java Police Chief Irjen Ahmad Luthfi visited the site of a firecracker explosion in Ngabean Village, Kebumen.

Chief of Police Jateng said from the examination of the team Inafis and Forensic Laboratory confirmed fireworks material that exploded causing 4 people to die.

"From the crime scene, it was developed by examining 16 people. From the information obtained, fireworks materials obtained from the Pati area are ordered online", said Central Java Police Chief Irjen Ahmad Luthfi quoted from the public relations statement of Central Java Police.

Chief of Central Java Police added, Kebumen Police before the incident has also carried out enhanced police activities. The team had previously secured nearly 4 quarters of fireworks material.

"The entire ranks of Polda Jateng have also conducted operations related to fireworks and have 46 thousand Kg more fireworks material and destroyed 72 thousand more fireworks. This indicates that the public is not yet fully aware of the dangers of life-threatening fireworks", added Irjen Ahmad Luthfi.

The Chief of Central Java Police urged the public not to conduct activities related to fireworks. There is a criminal snare through Emergency Law No. 12 of 1951 with the threat of a sentence of 20 years in prison.

The firecracker explosion in Ngabean Village that occurred on Wednesday, May 12 at around 5:30 p.m., had previously claimed three deaths, namely Muhammad Taufik Hidayat (27), Rizky (19), Sugiyanto, and Rio Dwi Pangestu (22).

Meanwhile, Bambang Priyono who is still being treated in the IGD room of Prembun Hospital suffered burns to his face and entire body.

Bambang revealed during the incident he and six friends were filling firecracker powder onto a roll of paper.

"It is not known exactly what it came from, suddenly a pile of firecrackers filled with firecracker powder exploded violently. I was a little far from the pile of firecrackers that exploded", he said.

The Forensic Laboratory of Central Java Police team led by AKBP Rostiawan Apriyanto Kamisi visited the blast site to conduct a crime scene. Forensic Laboratory's team secured a mortar, a cigarette pack, and a match.