The Story Of An Eggnoid Falling In Love With A Man

JAKARTA - Eggy (Morgan Oey) is not human. She is an eggnoid sent from the future by the creator (Fatih Unru). He comes to the present to help the lonely Ran (Sheila Dara).

Over time, two years to be precise, Eggy started to like Ran. In fact, as an eggnoid, he can't fall in love, let alone have a relationship with Ran. If Eggy breaks this, then the two guards will take her back to the future and erase all of her memories.

Meanwhile, on the one hand, Eggy's love for Ran was so great that she had to sacrifice wings that should have been intact until the task was completed. What's Eggy's choice for Ran?

This two-hour film by director Naya Anindita and inspired by the digital comic webtoon Eggnoid by Archie The RedCat briefly brings the audience to a youthful love story tinged with the ingredients of innocence but sincere.

Eggy's character is described as an innocent and adorable male figure. Meanwhile Ran tends to be tomboyish but sweet.

Different from the comic version which is now entering its fourth season, both are presented in a version two years older, when Ran was in college in this film produced by Visinema Pictures.

In addition, there is one additional character in the film, namely Aji (Kevin Julio) who makes Ran and Eggy's relationship even more colorful.

Not only the love story of two people, Eggnoid also brings the audience for a moment to the deepest longing of a daughter for her parents (played by Reuben Elishama and Marissa Anita) who have long been gone. Longing that was temporarily relieved in a unique way.

Not to mention the characters played by a series of actors such as Luna Maya, Anggika Bosterli, Reza Nangin, Martin Anugrah, who also enlivened the story.

Eggnoid will air simultaneously in all Indonesian theaters on December 5, 2019.