Today, Banyumas Aboge Muslims Just Implemented Eid Al-Fitr

BANYUMAS - Adherents of Aboge Islam (Alif Rebo Wage) spread in various areas of Banyumas Regency, Central Java just performed Salat Id, Friday, May 14, today.

In Cikakak Village, Wangon Subdistrict, which is one of the centers of the spread of Aboge Muslims --as reported by Antara-- residents appear to flock to Jami Baitussalam Mosque (Saka Tunggal Mosque) to perform Salat Id.

Some of the worshippers seemed to carry rantang and tenong containing food that they would eat together when kenduri (gratitude to God) in the mosque after Eid prayer by imam Kiai Sulam.

When delivering the khutbah in Arabic, Khatib Sudar invites the congregation of Eid prayer to return to beginning after fasting in the holy month of Ramadan which is a form of purification and self-control.

After performing Salat Id and listening to the sermon, some worshippers greeted each other in the mosque to forgive each other while proclaiming Javanese Salawat followed by kenduri.

When found after kenduri, Imam for Eid prayer who is also the elder of Baitussalam Mosque, Kiai Sulam admitted the number of pilgrims present in the last two years is not as much as in previous years.

Many residents do not return home in line with the ban on homecoming.

"There may be some who are travelers, but most of the locals are here. Last year the majority were also local people who Eid prayed here", he said.

Related to that, he expects the COVID-19 pandemic to end soon, so that life is comfortable again and the economy recovers.

"Hopefully in Jim's year this end, the pandemic is coming to an end", he said.

Therefore, he said, Eid prayer at Baitussalam Mosque is carried out by implementing health protocols as an effort to prevent the transmission of COVID-19.

In addition, Aboge Muslims do not care about the difference in the day of the implementation of Salat Id even though the government and various Islamic organizations have decided that Eid al-Fitr 1 Syawal 1442 Hijri falls on Thursday, May 13, 2021.

This is because the Followers of Islam Aboge have their own calculations to determine the date of 1 Syawal and other Islamic holidays.

Aboge Muslims believe that within eight years or one year consists of the year's Alif, Ha, Jim Awal, Za/Je, Dal, Ba/Be, Wawu, and Jim Akhir and in one year consists of 12 months and one month consists of 29-30 days with market days based on Javanese calculations, namely Pon, Wage, Kliwon, Manis (Legi) and Pahing.

In this case, the first day and market in the Alif year fall on Wage Wednesday (Aboge), Ha year on Sunday/Sunday Pon (Hakadpon), Early Jim year on Pon Friday (Talisman), Za/Je year on Pahing Tuesday (Zasahing), Dal year on Legi Saturday (Daltugi), Ba/Be year on Legi Thursday (Bemisgi), Wawu year on Kliwon Monday (Waninwon), and Jim End year on Wage Friday (Talisman). Aboge Muslims believe the year 1442 Hijri is the year of Jim End until the 1st of Muharram falls on Wage Friday which is the next benchmark or the first day and the first market of the year.

In determining the date of celebration of the major days of Islam, Aboge adherents have their own formula that refers to the calculation according to the current year, for example, Donemro/Sanemro (Ramadan/Fasting falls on the sixth day of the second market) to determine the 1st of Ramadan and Waljiro (Syawal falls on the first day of the second market) to determine the date of 1 Syawal.

Based on the formulation, the 1st of Ramadan 1442 Hijri falls on Wednesday Kliwon because it is the sixth day and the second market after Wage Friday so that 1 Syawal falls on Friday Kliwon or May 14, 2021.