How Medical Officers Kills Saturated Isolated COVID-19 Patients

BANYUWANGI - Nobody likes being isolated. We all agree with that. Moreover, being isolated with the status of Patient Under Supervision (PDP) COVID-19.

Feelings of boredom, fear, worry to severe stress can befall the patients. The situation that the health team for handling COVID-19 at Blambangan Hospital, Banyuwangi is trying to expel.

To be honest, it's not just patients who need comfort. Medical workers who are at the last line of fighting this disease may also dream the same thing. But they harbored that desire.

Blambangan Hospital officers chose to take the initiative to provide entertainment to patients in isolation rooms. One of them is by inviting karaoke together.

Like in a video that was viral. An officer in full personal protective equipment (PPE) was seen inviting the patients in the isolation room to sing and sway to the rhythm of an energetic Indian song.

At first they were shy. But lately the patients looked happy, with a slow rocking to the rhythm of the music too. The patients remained seated in their respective beds, while the officers approached the beds one by one while inviting them to sing like a musician at a concert.

"Because they wanted to entertain bored patients, the officer offered them karaoke. Then one of the patients asked to play an Indian song," said one of the doctors in the COVID-19 team at Blambanga Hospital, Dr. Roudhotul Ismailya Noor SpPK (clinical pathology specialist), like us. rewrite from the official website of the Banyuwangi Regency Government, Friday, April 24.

"Finally, we granted the request. The Indian song according to the request of our patient was tuned via YouTube from the next room, and what appeared in the video happened," said the doctor who is usually called Emil.

A number of PDP patients who were in the isolation room of the Blambangan Hospital began to experience burnout because some of them were clinically healthy and had been in the isolation room for more than a week. Not only that, there are some patients who experience psychological distress.

Blambangan Hospital psychologist Betty Kumala Febriawati said that PDP patients who were isolated, apart from being saturated, were generally anxious. Both are worried about the condition of their body's health to worry about the stigma of society towards them.

"We encourage them to remain optimistic. We encourage them to focus on their health first so that their immunity is boosted. For the problem of stigma, we don't need to think about it first, we are sure that this disease is not a disgrace and can be cured," said the alumnus of Master of Psychology Profession at Airlangga University, Surabaya .

"Alhamdulillah, some of the patients looked gloomy, weak, became more excited. Those who were just lying down, so they wanted to sit and even laugh happily during the counseling," he said.