Deactivation Of 75 Employees Including Novel Baswedan, ICW Urges Dewas KPK To Examine Firli Bahuri Et Al

JAKARTA - Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) is urging the Supervisory Board of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to examine five leaders of the anti-corruption commission. This insistence arises due to alleged violations of the code of conduct committed by kpk chairman Firli Bahuri and other leaders.

They allegedly violated the code of conduct related to the implementation of the National Insight Test assessment (TWK) which did not pass 75 employees, including senior investigator Novel Baswedan.

"ICW urges that the KPK Supervisory Board take the initiative to conduct an examination of KPK leaders, including Firli Bahuri for various alleged violations of the code of conduct," Egi Primayogha said in a statement quoted Thursday, May 13.

Anticorruption activists assess the KPK is on the verge of destruction and decay. Therefore, the supervisory board needs to take decisive and serious action to safeguard the KPK.

"In order for the KPK to be kept from destruction and decay, the supervisory board must take decisive and serious action," he said.

Not only that, he said five KPK leaders should be responsible for the noise that occurred.

"Various accumulations of problems and noises in the KPK can not be released from the responsibility of the Chairman of the KPK and other KPK Leaders," said Egi.

Previously, the National Insight Test (TWK) was followed by 1,351 KPK employees. Of these, 1,274 were declared eligible.

Meanwhile, 75 employees including Novel Baswedan, Chairman of kpk employee forum who is also an investigator Yudi Purnomo, Director of Socialization and Anti-Corruption Campaign KPK Giri Suprapdiono, and Kasatgas KPK Harun Al-Rasyid were declared ineligible (TMS). The other two employees were not present in the interview.

Next, KPK issued a Decree of kpk leadership No. 652 of 2021 concerning The Results of National Insight Test Assessment. The letter signed by KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri and a copy signed by Plh Head of Human Resources Bureau Yonathan Demme Tangdilintin has four points.

One of them, instructing employees who do not qualify to hand over their duties and responsibilities to the direct supervisor.

This further creates polemics within the internal. Because, the officer whose name is listed in the decree is voiced and one of them is Kasatgas Harun Al-Rasyid.

He said Firli Bahuri moved secretly to disable himself and 74 other employees including Novel Baswedan. Not only that, Harun considers the former Deputy Crackdown was ear-closed to the public response to TWK and the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK).

In fact, he called the National Insight Test (TWK) that crammed dozens of KPK employees was Firli's wish. This has been asked the truth to other KPK leaders.

"I have communicated several times with other leaders, and this has been stated by other leaders it turns out that in the KPK there is no collegial," he said.

He said Firli did not hear the advice of four other KPK leaders. "The chairman of kpk who is persistent and getol encourages the conduct of national insight tests," said Harun.

Harun also called Firli smart to build a public narrative. He said Firli set a strategy to keep the other KPK leaders silent to explain the test.

"If only other leaders dared to state this to the public that 'what was conveyed by the chairman of the KPK that the implementation of TWK was the desire of the leadership collectively collegial is not true and nonsense' would have been game over this game," he concluded.