TPU Pondok Kelapa East Jakarta Will Not Visit The Grave Pilgrimage 12-16 May

JAKARTA - Pondok Kelapa Public Cemetery (TPU), East Jakarta, canceled grave pilgrimage activities on May 12-16, 2021.

Head of TPU Pondok Kelapa Efendi said that the policy of abandonment of pilgrimage activities was carried out following instructions from the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan.

"For a while the pilgrimage activities from May 12-16, 2021 are closed," Efendi said when confirmed reported from Antara, Wednesday, May 12.

Efendi said, for service activities such as funeral of bodies in TPU Pondok Kelapa still carried out during the elimination of grave pilgrimage activities.

Based on the monitoring at the location, a banner announcing the elimination of pilgrimage activities was displayed at the gate of TPU Pondok Kelapa. A number of flower traders were also seen crowded the sidewalk area in front of Pondok Kelapa TPU in the afternoon.

There are also a number of residents who want to make a pilgrimage to the tpu pondok kelapa area even though the number is not too much. There were no roadblocks from the officers.

Previously, the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan forbade his citizens to make grave pilgrimages during May 12-16 in anticipation of a possible crowd at a public cemetery (TPU).

"Grave pilgrimage activities are canceled from May 12 to Sunday, May 16," Anies said after a coordination meeting with Pangdam Jaya, The Head of Metro Jaya Police and a number of regional heads in jabodetabek area in Jakarta.

Not only in Jakarta, all cemeteries in the capital's buffer area will also be closed during this time period.

"All cemeteries in Jabodetabek will be closed from visitors for pilgrimage," he said.