Steps To Regulate Healthy Diet After Eid

JAKARTA – After eating various kinds of foods with salt, fat, and carbohydrates, it's time to return to a healthy diet. To restore a healthy lifestyle, you can make the recommendations below as a reference.

Replace food stocks with vegetables and fruit

During lebaran delicious dishes typical of the Archipelago may be the stock of daily food such as rendang, opor, curry, balado. After Eid al-Fitr, replace the stock with vegetables and fruits. This is done to minimize the consumption of fatty foods as well as simple carbohydrates for days.

As well as trying to make vegetable salad and fruit juice as a substitute for snacks.

Create a new menu

When beaten by that food alone, try to create a new menu with healthy ingredients. If you have replaced the stock with vegetables and fruit, then create a menu. For example, make mashed potato for lunch with salad and grilled salmon slice.

Recognize body signals

Is it during Eid that I feel hungry infrequently because it does not stop tasting treats? Well, after Eid it's time to restore the body's natural condition to maintain health.

Before the hungry signal is felt, provide food. Don't get really hungry so eat more emotionally without considering the portion and nutritional content.

Avoid too many menu variations

Varied dining menu does improve appetite. But, after Eid to get the diet back to normal avoid too many variations of the menu. Try focusing on fresh food and choose a menu that is processed more simply.

Mealtime discipline

Breakfast, snacking, lunch, and dinner are not to be missed. If possible, make the meal schedule back as it was. During the break time, avoid hungry eyes for this snack and that's what's left on the guest table.

Drink enough mineral water

Mineral water is the best drink among other types of beverages. Therefore, fulfill the need for body fluids so that metabolism and digestion work normally as usual.

Sports don't forget

Foods with salt, fatty, and carbo that accumulate in the body need to be diluruhkan. One of them is with sports. If you usually exercise by walking, try to supplement with cardio exercises to stretch and strengthen muscle mass.

Ready to restore your healthy lifestyle after cheating for two days or more?