Pns DKI Ogah Follow Anies Baswedan's Instructions In Echelon II Department Auction, Ex-Ahok's Men Ask KASN To Intervene

JAKARTA - Former basuki Tjahaja Purnama aka Ahok's men, Rian Ernest asked the State Civil Apparatus Commission (KASN) to intervene to trace hundreds of DKI civil servants who refused to participate in the auction of high leadership positions (JPT) echelon II.

"Call civil servant friends who do not want, what is this? Is it natural for 239 civil servants to give up before competing," said Rian Ernest through Youtub CokroTV channel quoted by VOI, Wednesday, May 12.

The reluctance of DKI civil servants to participate in the auction of positions is a strange thing. Logically, every civil servant who has a heart to serve the citizens of Dki Jakarta and have positive ambitions must be moved to take office.

And most importantly, continued Rian Ernest, once promoted from echelon III to II of course followed by a raise or a high take home pay. Well, then why hundreds of civil servants dki actually refused to rise to this position?

"There should be no kongkalikong in the determination of office," said Rian Ernest.

Rian instead compared this case to that of Ahok. Although famous artisans angry at subordinates who play money, or unprofessional in work, anyway hundreds of civil servants dki precisely enthusiastically participated in the auction of positions.

"Now at the time the governor's grammar is so polite but why civil servants do not participate in the selection, whether this fate has TGUPP until the 70s people," sindir Rian Ernest.

Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan gathered a number of asn dki ranks. Anies angry, 239 nonadministrator officials do not want to follow the registration of open selection of high leadership positions (JPT) echelon II.

"Luckily ladies and gentlemen wear masks today, do not see his face. Try if photographed, the faces of the mothers recorded as a person who does not carry out instructions. I want to say here, we are truly ashamed. Shame why there are instructions not implemented," said Anies at Balai Kota DKI, Central Jakarta, Monday, May 10.