Ask KPK Employees To Obey The Law, Supervisory Board: If Objections, There Is A Testing Mechanism

JAKARTA - Member of the Supervisory Board of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Indriyanto Seno Adji asked all employees of the Antirausah commission to obey and comply with the law. If anyone disagrees with the decision taken by the leadership, the employee said Indriyanto can take legal procedures to test.

This was conveyed in response to the polemic of deactivation of 75 KPK employees who did not pass the National Insight Test (TWK) assessment. Several names of employees who were declared unqualified, including senior KPK investigator Novel Baswedan, KPK Chief Of Staff Yudi Purnomo Harahap, and KPKHead of the Task Force Harun Al-Rasyid.

"All KPK organ implementers should obey the law. If anyone objected to the decision, there is a legal mechanism or procedural to test the objection", Indriyanto told reporters on Wednesday, May 12.

He said that the issuance of a decree that is considered to be the source of polemic is also considered appropriate.

"This is the same reasonable or feasible legal procedure taken by the ministry or other institutions, as is the case with the KPK", he said.

After all, the handover of the duties of the 75 employees of the anti-corruption commission was not part of the decommissioning. because the decision to return responsibility is solely for the sake of legal certainty because they failed the test that became a condition of transfer of staffing status.

"It is limited and should be interpreted only against unqualified employees who hold structural or equal positions", he said.

Moreover, all KPK employees must be stated civil servants (ASN). This is by KPK Law No. 19 of 2019. "Therefore it is handed over temporarily to the direct superiors," he said.

Previously, the National Insight Test (TWK) was followed by 1,351 KPK employees. Of these, 1,274 were declared eligible, 75 were ineligible, and 2 were not in the interview process.

Furthermore, 75 employees who were declared ineligible were subsequently disabled. This deactivation is based on the Decree of the KPK Leadership No. 652 of 2021. The letter signed by KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri was set on May 7 and a valid copy was signed by Head of Human Resources Bureau Yonathan Demme Tangdilintin.

There are four points in the decree. Including, ordering employees who do not qualify to hand over their duties and responsibilities to their superiors directly.

Even so, KPK excused not to deactivate dozens of people. "We can explain that at this time the employee is not disabled because all rights and responsibilities of staffing still apply", KPK Spokesman Ali Fikri told reporters on Tuesday, May 11.

The purpose of the submission of duties and responsibilities as written in the Decree claimed solely for the effectiveness of the implementation of corruption eradication tasks can run.

"The handover of this task is done solely to ensure the effectiveness of the implementation of tasks in the KPK so as not to be constrained and avoid any legal problems related to the handling of ongoing cases", he said.