House Of Representatives Pks Faction Suspects The Entry Of Chinese Warships Into RI, Government Asked To Be Vigilant

JAKARTA - Members of Commission I of the House of Representatives of Sukamta reminded the government, especially the Ministry of Defense (MoD), TNI, Strategic Intelligence Agency (BAIS) to be aware of the destinations behind Chinese warships entering Indonesia in recent times.

Sukamta explains some relevant events related to Indonesia's maritime security and data so vigilance should be increased under any circumstances.

"Several times we found sea gliders that allegedly belonged to China without permission allegedly collecting Indonesian sea data. These are just some of the unknowns that could be more," Sukamta was quoted as saying by Antara on Wednesday, May 12.

He assessed every foreign military movement to be watched including during humanitarian operations, including Chinese Navy assistance to Indonesia in handling KRI Nanggala-402.

Sukamta exemplifies two Chinese ships, the Xing Dao-863 and the Ocean Tug Nantuo-185, as rescue and lifting vessels so that it is appropriate to assist in the removal of nanggala 402.

However, according to him, the Scientific Salvage Tan Suo 2 is a scientific research vessel operating under the Institute of Deep Sea Sciences and Engineering of the Chinese Academy of Sciences so it is worth watching out for.

"The ship can carry out a double task that is to assist the appointment of Nanggala 402 as well as collect data about the Indonesian sea," he said.

Sukamta also provided notes related to the joint warship exercises between the Indonesian Navy and the Chinese navy.

According to him, joint exercises are important for mutual understanding and communication between countries but he gave a note on whether the warship exercises will provide understanding when each side is tasked with guarding the borders of the country's sea areas.

"Or the exercise opens up opportunities for the collection of data about the sea and the strength of the Indonesian Navy?," he said.

In addition, according to him, in recent weeks, Chinese warships came to Indonesia amid the heat of China's relations with the United States and its ally, Australia, certainly have political intent.

Sukamta explained, there is a suspicion that the Australian ship deliberately left KRI Nanggala 402 early because it did not want to confront directly or be known the data of the warships that Australia used.

"The activities of Chinese warships in Indonesian territory certainly give an international impression of Indonesia's position. Indonesia must be free to be active, not to be dragged into the U.S. conflict with China," he said.

The MCC politician asked the Indonesian government, especially the TNI, to ensure the security of Indonesia's maritime data and not to get caught up in the conflict in the South China Sea.

Tag: dpr nasional pks china