121,026 Inmates Receive Special Remission Of Eid Al-Fitr 2021, 550 People Freed

JAKARTA - The Directorate General of Corrections of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights recorded 121,026 Muslim inmates from all over Indonesia received a reduction in the criminal period or the right of Special Remission for Eid Al-Fitr 1442 Hijrah.

Of these, 120,476 inmates received special remission I or partial reduction. While the remaining 550 people got special remission II or immediately free.

Director-General of Corrections Reynhard Silitonga said the remission obtained by the inmates is one of the rights granted by the state for the achievements they have done during their construction in prisons, as well as the Special Development Institute for Children (LPKA).

"The provision of Special Remission for Eid Al-Fitr is expected to motivate WBP (Correctional Residents) to achieve self-awareness that is reflected in daily attitudes and behaviors and always increase optimism in undergoing the criminal lost independence that is being lived", Reynhard said in a statement to reporters, Wednesday, May 12.

The largest number of recipients of special remission came from the North Sumatra region as many as 14,906 people. Then, followed by East Java as many as 13,223 people, and West Java as many as 11,776 people.

He ensured the right of the built citizens to get remission would be fulfilled. As long as they follow the predetermined things.

Thus, Reynhard asked all residents to play an active role in following the program provided. Moreover, this program can be a positive provision to return to the community.

In addition, inmates are asked not to violate the law or rules in prisons or LPKA.

"Don't worry, WBP's rights will certainly be fulfilled as long as it meets the predetermined conditions", he said.

Furthermore, in the midst of overcapacity or overload and the COVID-19 pandemic, the government continues to optimize services and guidance to the target population. One of them, by asking the correctional staff to interact and communicate well with the target population.

"Protect and provide guidance, and upbringing to them based on Pancasila, put forward the spirit of diversity, tolerance, avoid hate speech, and carry out the task with integrity and sincerity by upholding the values of PASTI (Professional, Accountable, Synergy, Transparent, and Innovative)", he said.

In addition, its ranks also continue to take measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Reynhard said almost all Correctional officers have been vaccinated.

Not only that, currently direct visit services are replaced with video call services, the acceptance of new prisoners limited to A.III prisoners, the extension of the granting of assimilation and integration rights of COVID-19, and prohibiting open-sharing, open house, leave, and homecoming activities for the State Civil Apparatus as advised by the central government.

For information, remission is a reduction in the sentence given to inmates and children who meet the conditions specified in the provisions of the legislation. The amount of reduction in the sentence given includes 15 days, 1 month, 1 month 15 days to 2 months.

As for the target population throughout Indonesia as of May 5, 2021, based on the SDP (Correctional Database System)  the number reached 263,186 people. It consists of 210,647 inmates and 52,539 prisoners. Of these, there were 197,801 Muslims.