Drug Syndicate From Malaysia Brings 25 Kg Of Sabu Entry To Kaltim

JAKARTA - The seizure of 25 kg of methamphetamine-type drugs from five suspects arrested in the waters of Manggar, Balikpapan is the largest seizure in drug disclosure operations in East Kalimantan. The suspects, who acted as couriers, were allegedly part of an international syndicate from Tawau, Malaysia.

"We arrested on Friday, May 7, at around 9:30 p.m. Central Indonesia Time," said East Kalimantan Regional Police Chief (Kapolda Kaltim) Inspector General of Police (Irjenpol) Herry Rudolf Nahak in Balikpapan, reported Antara, Tuesday, May 11.

From the weight of evidence obtained, according to the Chief of Police Nahak, is the most evidence obtained in drug arrest operations in East Kalimantan.

'Even when the police were still Kaltim-Kaltara, we had secured evidence up to 67 kg,' said the Police Chief.

The arrest began with information obtained by the Directorate of Drug Reserse (Ditresnarkoba) Kaltim Police that there will be a large quantity of drug delivery in Balikpapan.

The information was followed up by ditresnarkoba by lowering 3 officers of Sub-Directorate II Ditresnarkoba to conduct an investigation, which took them to the fishing pier in Manggar Baru, East Balikpapan, 25 km from the center of Balikpapan City.

On Friday night, reconnaissance officers found two suspicious fishing boats, which had been stopping and floating in the mouth of the Manggar River for some time. Then the two ships docked.

"And then the officers conducted a raid. We secured five suspects and evidence of 25 kg of methamphetamine," nahak police chief said.

From the fishing boat there are three actors with the initials LOAM (45) as motorists, LOSL (48), and S (22) as crew members (ABK). All three are from Wakatobi, Southeast Sulawesi.

The other two suspects, AAT (33) and RAA (23), are Samarinda residents. Both act as recipients.

From the suspects, police were informed that the drugs originated and were taken from Sebatik, North Kalimantan, which was previously from Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia.

From Sebatik, the goods were carried along the east coast of Kalimantan to Balikpapan.

"The plan is 12 kg will be brought to Samarinda, another 13 kg will be continued to Pare-pare, South Sulawesi," said the Police Chief.

Police Chief Irjen Pol Nahak also mentioned the circulation of methamphetamine is part of an international syndicate or interstate network.

"We will continue to dismantle the network to the big city," said the Police Chief asserted.