Could Prabowo Be Paired With Puan In The 2024 Presidential Election?

JAKARTA - Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto is the most potential candidate for president in the 2024 presidential election. Prabowo tops the survey with 16.4 percent electability.

Later, gerindra news came back in coalition with pdip in the 2024 presidential election. Prabowo is said to be paired with a PDIP politician who is also the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Puan Maharani.

"It could be that Prabowo was brought forward (with Puan, red). Moreover, at this time Prabowo is quite close to the palace, it could also be that this is 'pay promise' Megawati on the slate agreement in 2009," said political observer of Al Azhar University Indonesia, Tuesday, May 11.

Andriadi reminded, in the 2009 presidential election, Megawati-Prabowo (Mega-Pro) couple had a binding agreement between the two ketums. Prabowo was then willing to become Megawati's representative in exchange for being supported as a capres in the 2014 presidential election.

"That's the reason why Prabowo is willing to be Megawati's deputy, because there is a slate agreement that in 2014 the PDIP will support Prabowo to be a presidential candidate," he explained.

However, continued Andriadi, in 2014 PDIP did not support Prabowo to become a capres, instead carrying Joko Widodo. So it has not paid off Megawati's promise until the 2019 presidential election.

"It could be to pay the debt, Prabowo as a capres, Puan Maharani his son as cawapres it could be," said the executive director of Nusantara Institute PolCom SRC.

Known, the Slate Agreement was signed by Megawati Soekarnoputri and Prabowo on May 16, 2009 with seven points of agreement.

At that time, Prabowo initially wanted the role of vice president to be strengthened like a prime minister. Megawati rejected the proposal because it was considered against the constitution.

Prabowo accepted the agreement because he was promised to be supported as president in the 2014 elections as written in the seventh point of the Slate Agreement at that time.

Tag: puan maharani prabowo subianto megawati soekarnoputri pdip pilpres 2024