Dpr Members Appreciate Signing Of MoU Kemenpora With BKKBN Prevent Stunting
JAKARTA - Member of Commission IX of the House of Representatives Darul Siska appreciated the Ministry of Transport and BKKBN for the realization of the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the two agencies. The MoU is aimed at synergizing ensuring stunting-free youth and youth in order to score partying athletes.
"We from Commission IX of the House of Representatives give appreciation for the steps taken by the Head of BKKBN even though the Inpresnya has not yet come out but has stepped forward to make an MoU with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs," darul Siska said during a press conference at Wisma Menpora, Jakarta, Monday, May 10.
According to him, the cooperation of these two agencies is closely related. Kemenpora and Indonesia need outstanding athletes in the future, towards the Golden Indonesia 2045 period. For that as a nation all elements must jointly address this stunting problem.
"Upstream our problem in the future in human resources development is at the birth of stunting. If stunting can be overcome we have a healthy generation of physical, mentally healthy, healthy minds. God willing, Indonesia is aspired to be achieved in the future," he said.
Head of BKKBN Hasto Wardoyo hopes to get direction and guidance from the Minister of Education amali who also handles youth and youth issues.
"Teenagers and youth become determinants of the birth of stunting children or not and become determinants of the quality of human resources of the nation to be able to reap demographic bonuses in the future," said Hasto.
BKKBN realizes the determinants of the future of the nation are youth and youth including determinants of the quality of stunting generations or whether future generations are youth and adolescents.
"Technically how to prevent early marriage, reduce unwanted pregnancy, premarital sex. Demographic bonuses can be achieved depending on the youth community. If her teens are many young married, dropouts, not working, many children, mother and baby deaths are high then it will miss demographics. There is a lot to work with under Mr. Menpora," he added.
Previously, Minister of Finance Amali considered very interested in stunting issues, especially the handling for teenagers and young people. Both teenagers and youth in general as well as those who become athletes. "If the initial talent is not good, of course it will be problematic for his achievements, we also try to do various things so that we can synergize with each other and not walk alone," said Minister amali.