About Al Aqsa And Why This Sacred Mosque Is Most Praised By Muslims

JAKARTA - Israeli police are still carrying out attacks on Palestinians in Jerusalem. Later attacks also touched al-Aqsa Mosque. Curses are spreading in many parts of the world, especially from Muslims. Al Aqsa is a holy mosque for Muslims. How special Al Aqsa is as a religious site and islamic history.

Al Aqsa is one of the holy mosques of Muslims. Like the Grand Mosque in Makkah and the Prophet's Mosque in Medina, al-Aqsa Mosque is glorified by Muslims around the world.

The silver-domed mosque stands in an area of 14 hectares in the Al Haram Ash-Syarif Complex. Its location in East Jerusalem, precisely in the Old City area makes the historic Al Aqsa Mosque, a witness to the eternal Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Yes, al Haram Ash-Syarif Complex is the epicenter of the conflict.

History records one of the triggers of the prolonged conflict between Israel and Palestine was the movement of Jews to worship in the Al Haram Ash-Syarif Complex. Jews referred to the complex as "Tempe Mount" aka "Holy Hill."

Inside the complex there is also the Dome of the Rock, a mosque believed to be where the Prophet Muhammad rested on isra Mikraj's journey. Fun fact, many think of this Dome of the Rock Mosque as Al Aqsa.

In addition to Al Aqsa and the Dome of the Rock, in the Al Haram Asy-Syarif complex there are also other mosques, such as Qibly Mosque, Buraq Mosque, and Marwan Mosque. However, the Al Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock are the best known.

As a religious site

Based on the beliefs of Muslims, it is said that on the journey of Isra Mikraj who was taken to the sky, the Prophet Muhammad stopped at the Al Aqsa Mosque. And the foothold of the Prophet Muhammad at that time was in the shape of a stone that is now in the Dome of the Rock.

The Prophet (s) said, "O my people! Some hadiths say al-Aqsa Mosque is the first qibla of Muslims.

Prayers to Al Aqsa took place 16-17 months after the move to Medina. However, after the Prophet Muhammad received guidance, then the Qibla was moved to the Kaaba.

In addition, it is said that the Dome of the Rock stone is also the place where Prophet Ibrahim got revelation to slaughter his son, Prophet Ismail. Al Aqsa Mosque is also great because it is the birthplace of the great work of Imam Al Ghazali.

Al Ghazali lives in one of the rooms at the Al Aqsa Complex. It was there that he wrote his great work, Ihya Ulumuddin.

*Read more information about ISRAEL-PALESTINE or read other interesting writings from Yudhistira Mahabharata.


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