Prohibition Of Going Home To Be Implemented Immediately, The First 2 Weeks Are Carried Out For Persuasive Steps

JAKARTA - The rules for banning homecoming will come into effect on Friday, April 23. Later, officers from several related agencies will take action against the offenders using two methods.

Spokesperson for the Ministry of Transportation, Adita Irawati, said that the first action was carried out in a persuasive manner. Meanwhile, the second way is by giving fines to violators.

Persuasive action will be carried out for 2 weeks. In its application, officers who are prepared at various points will provide an appeal to return to the origin of the trip.

"The initial stage of implementation, the government will prioritize persuasive methods, yes. In the first stage, namely April 24 to May 7, those who violate will be directed to return to their origin of travel," said Adita at Graha BNPB, Jakarta, Thursday, April 23.

Meanwhile, the second method will be applied for 3 weeks. In this period, the officer will give sanctions in the form of fines to violators. However, Adita did not specify the rules on which this fine was imposed.

"Meanwhile, in the second stage, namely 7-31 May 2020 or until the expiration of the regulations, those who violate in addition to being asked to return to the origin of the trip will also be subject to sanctions in accordance with applicable laws, including fines," said Adita.

This rule also applies to all types of transportation modes, including sea, land, air and rail. However, this prohibition does not apply to trucks carrying staple goods and others.

"This prohibition is exempted for logistics or basic necessities and vehicles transporting drugs, as well as vehicles for transporting officers, fire engines, ambulances, and hearses," said Adita.

Previously, President Joko Widodo made a decision to prohibit people from returning home to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in various regions. After taking this policy, Jokowi ordered his ranks to prepare for the ban and its impact in the future.

"At this meeting I would like to convey that we will prohibit all homecoming. Therefore, preparations related to this have begun to be prepared," said Jokowi while opening a limited meeting to discuss public anticipation which was broadcast on the YouTube account of the Presidential Secretariat, Tuesday, April 21. .

Acting Minister of Transportation (Menhub) who is concurrently the Coordinating Minister (Menko) of Maritime and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan said that this ban will take effect on April 24.

"The homecoming ban is effective starting from Friday, April 24, 2020. There are sanctions, but for the application of sanctions that have been prepared, it will be effective starting May 7," said Luhut.

This prohibition, continued Luhut, was taken after the Ministry of Transportation conducted a survey three times and the last one was held on April 15. As a result, around 21 percent of people still want to go home during the pandemic like now, despite the socialization.

The homecoming ban is enforced for the Greater Jakarta area and other areas that are included in the Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB), as well as the red zone for the spread of COVID-19. Meanwhile, the implementation, said Luhut, will be regulated by the regional government.

"The ban on going home will not allow the traffic of people to go out and enter the area, especially Jabodetabek. However, logistics is still justified (entry), it is still permissible for the flow of people inside Jabodetabek or what is known as agglomeration," he said.