The Government Remains Convinced That Online Pre-employment Card Training Is Different From YouTube

JAKARTA - The Pre-Employment Card Program has drawn a lot of criticism. In the midst of the corona virus pandemic or COVID-19 in Indonesia which is increasingly widespread, government assistance that facilitates online training is considered ineffective and on target. There is even an assumption that the government is only 'burning money' and benefiting the digital platform.

Some parties also regretted the budget of Rp1 million per participant, which was issued by the government in the online training program. The budget is considered to be of much use to victims of layoffs due to the pandemic, if it is given in cash. In fact, economists say that similar online training is already on the YouTube platform and it's free.

Responding to this, the Director of Communication for the Executive Management of Prakerja, Panji Winanteya Ruky, said that the public must see the conception of this program. The pre-employment card is direct assistance given to the community, not to service providers. He explained that even if there was a similar training on the YouTube platform, it would not be entirely the same.

Panji argued that the online training provided in the Pre-Employment Card program had gone through screening. In addition, participants who take part in this program will receive certification as a provision to apply for jobs. Then, the modules and training standards have also been arranged in such a way so that the participants' abilities can increase after attending the training.

"Not just watching, it's not like what people say. So it's really edutech training, massive online open course," he said, in a virtual discussion entitled 'Pre-Employment Cards, Enhancing Superior Human Resources for Advanced Indonesia', Thursday, April 23.

According to Panji, the government provides direct assistance to service users, namely the public. As rational consumers, participants can choose a training program based on their needs.

"They will not buy or use courses that may be in public for free. Then he will use them for training that is really needed, not all training or content is all free," he explained.

Panji said that so far there have been two training aids provided by the government for the community. First, the training provided by the ministry, the government contracted training institutions paid for by the state budget to provide training for the community. Later, the community only needs to come, register, and take part in the training.

"But the training, syllabus, curriculum, energy are all determined by the government through what is called auction or selection processes or whatever. The procurement process is a program such as BLK and others scattered in various cities," he said.

Meanwhile, he continued, the Pre-Employment Card is an innovation or change in the way to provide training assistance, where the Pre-Employment Card provides assistance not to producers but to participants. According to him, if previously the government chose the type of training, now people can choose for themselves according to their needs.

"So we can't give it to the participants, because the participants will determine and spend the assistance. What kind of analogy? This is like a non-cash Food Assistance Card or Smart Indonesia Card where people are given money, then are free to buy, whether it be stationery or rice in stalls that do accept payment, "he explained.

YouTube Version of Online Training

Panji said that online training on the YouTube platform is clearly different from the one on the Pre-employment Card. This is because online training on YouTube is not filtered. Moreover, he said, anyone can make material which is then shared via video on the platform.

According to Panji, the presenters on the YouTube platform cannot interact with their users. Meanwhile, in the Pre-Employment Card program, participants can have two-way interactions with service providers. There is also no guarantee that online training on YouTube will be correct.

"So that is what we apply the meaning and benefits and also everything has been screened by the platform agency. If I do training on making sponge cake, everyone can read it, but it's true or not, well it can," he explained.

Pre-Employment Card Training Institute Screening

Meanwhile, Assistant Deputy for Manpower of the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy, Yulius said that the rules became a platform contained in the Regulation of the Coordinating Minister for the Economy (Permenko). Meanwhile, there are two regulations for the Pre-Work Card program, namely the Presidential Decree and passed down to the PMK.

"The criteria for partners have national coverage, have adequate IT, have their own portals and have cooperation with work-based training institutions. Later PMO will verify and screen whether they are appropriate or not," he said.

According to Yulius, currently in the testing phase for the first batch, there are only eight platforms. However, later all platforms will be opened to register. "It is open, with many platforms, the number of trainings will increase and vary," he said.

"The Rp. 1 million training, the public can choose the training fee. Although the rule is that if they participate in the training once, they will get incentives, but if the remaining training costs can be used for other training," he said.

Regarding the eight platforms, said Yulius, his party made a memorandum of understanding between the PMO of the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy regarding the process of appointing the platform. He admitted that he had discussed with LKP BPKP and universities.

"The goal is to invite us to learn. There were even two platforms that were invited, but did not want to become partners. Later after the eight platforms we will evaluate whether they are suitable or not. So it's not a fixed price, he will continue to be there. Because it will always be there. we are evaluating again. The pre-employment card training has been well screened and also the training is easy because our society comes from various levels, "he said.