Although These 7 Foods Are Less Healthy, But Not Bad If Consumed

JAKARTA – Healthy diet trends and strict diets recommend a number of foods not to be consumed because it is considered bad for health. In fact, if the food is consumed in the amount of sedag still supports your healthy nutritional needs.

Visiting Women's Health, Tuesday, May 11, after consulting with nutritionists and dietitians along with a list of foods that are considered unhealthy but not too bad when consumed in moderation and within control limits. Curious to know? Check the summary of VOI.

cooking oil

Oily foods have a bad reputation for being bathed in saturated fats. Although you don't like oily foods, oil is a good type of fat that can be healthy.

According to John Fawkes, NSCA, a certified nutritionist at Precision Nutrition, good oils can be selected based on type and extraction process. When you cook with oil, choose olive oil, hemp bihi oil or avocado oil.

"Each contains monounsaturated fatty acids that nourish the heart, are low in polyunsaturated fats, and are available in cold-squeezed varieties so as not to reduce beneficial compounds through heat extraction," fawkes explained.

Red Meat

Red meat is not a food that you need to avoid completely. In fact, based on a 2012 study shows the risk varies according to how to process it. Such as the amount of sodium, for example processed meat. Red meat itself is a source of protein, high in iron, and vitamin B12.

White bread

If you eat the correct white bread, for example, bread that is mostly made from wheat flour needs to be avoided. The solution is to make your own by controlling every bad ingredient and maximizing the ingredients that are nutritious good for health.


Is it enough to eat one slice of italian chef's processed pizza? Maybe not. Donna Rose, a registered dietitian at Miss's Nutrition Notes, says you can choose thin loaves and more vegetables, tomatoes and low-fat cheeses.


Fawkes advises against coret potatoes from your carbohydrate source foods. Potatoes are one of the cheapest and most nutrient dense starch. Because, potatoes contain B vitamins, potassium, folate, magnesium, vitamin C, and additional fiber in one serving.

Make sure the potatoes are processed by baking or frying water to absorb the most nutrients. And, Fawkes also suggests yams beside potatoes.

Illustration of baked potatoes (Pexels/Maria Orlova)


Quality chocolate certainly provides full benefits than chocolate that contains more mixtures such as sugar and milk. Dark chocolate containing 70 percent cocoa contains prebiotics. Another benefit is that it helps lower cholesterol.

Rose complements, black cekelat is also rich in polyphenols, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatories that combat disease-causing free radicals.


Unless you're allergic to sugary foods or have Celiac disease, gluten in barley, whole grains, and farro can be your healthy food choice.