Ketum Muhammadiyah Affirms Adhere To Health Protocol To Actualize Piety

YOGYAKARTA - Muhammadiyah Central Chairman Haedar Nashir said obeying health protocols is one form of actualization of laughter to God in the context of dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic situation.

"Alertness, careful attitude, discipline, and following health protocols are actualizations of taqwa," Haedar said virtually during a press conference at the Muhammadiyah Central Leadership office, in Yogyakarta, quoted by Antara, Monday, May 10.

In the midst of the pandemic that has not subsided, until there is still an escalation of the increase in cases in other countries, according to Haedar, there is still a need for a careful attitude in adhering to health protocols by all citizens of the nation as a form of endeavor.

"Only with this (applying health protocols) can we face a pandemic and of course we hope that in the future the better and avoid pandemics," he said.

Haedar asked the public not to look at the attitude of careful and disciplined applying prokes simply as a paranoid attitude or excessive worry about corona.

"How not paranoid when almost 3 million people died in the world and more than 30 thousand in Indonesia and many confirmed positive," he said.

Therefore, related to the policy of banning homecoming by the government, according to him, Muhammadiyah fully supports the interests of families and society in general.

However, he called for the policy to be accompanied by efforts to control all activities that trigger potential crowds.

"PP Muhammadiyah is consistent in order to ban homecoming policies accompanied by control of all activities that provoke crowds either in tourist attractions or other public spaces," he said.

Tag: nasional nusantara lebaran yogyakarta muhammadiyah