Regents Get OTT, Observers: Election System Must Be Changed And Penalties More Assertive

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) conducted a hand catch operation (OTT) against Nganjuk Regent Novi Rahman Hidayat. This adds to a long list of regional heads involved in corruption.

Political observer Karyono Wibowo said that one of the causes of regional heads and other officials continues to commit corruption because the punishment is too light. Mainly, because there are too high political costs.

"Then the root of the problem of corruption that has not been broken. That is, the Region Head commits corruption the main cause of it is a huge political cost. This huge political cost is the cause of the regional head's corruption", Karyono told VOI on Monday, May 10.

According to him, the cost of local elections in Indonesia can reach tens to hundreds of billions. While the salaries or incentives of Regional Heads are still very unbalanced with the political costs incurred. Thus making them commit corruption to restore political capital.

"I think that's the main cause, the issue of very high political costs", Karyono explained.

The Executive Director of Indonesia Public Institute said that the government's budget may be one solution to overcome the political costs of the party. However, he said, it remains unbalanced because the political funds are still too small.

"Therefore, I think the electoral system that must be changed, improved the electoral system more effectively and efficiently, which makes the political costs too high, for example, an efficient campaign system", explained Karyono.

"Then the biggest cost, the dowry of the party. Although many parties say there is no party dowry but the fact is still there. For example, La Nyalla revealed he was asked for a political dowry to be a candidate for governor of East Java at that time. But political dowry still exists and tends to be high", he added.

Regarding the alleged corruption of the auction of positions conducted by the Regent of Nganjuk, Karyono said it was indeed one of the sources of income of the regional head.

"Auctions of positions are often happening. That's to bring back his political costs, other than the corruption of construction projects or bribes, most of which are bribes from businessmen. One of them is buying and selling positions", he said.

Karyono said that corruption has been cultivated not only in local governments but in ministries and other government institutions.

"For example, Romahurmuziy the former Chairman of PPP is a case of buying and selling positions as well", he said.

So, he said, in addition to improving the electoral system that could reduce political costs is not great. Law enforcement is also important to increase penalties against corruptors including Regional Heads.

"Law enforcement is one of the important instruments for creating deterrent effects. In addition to improving the system, there must be stricter law enforcement. By giving a heavier penalty it's a way of creating a deterrent effect. Because the punishment is still very light so it does not cause a deterrent effect", he explained.

"So an effective electoral system efficiently than the political dowry of the party must be abolished. If there is still this law enforcement should be able to be more assertive, KPK can enter it", said Karyono Wibowo.