KemenPPPA Still Receives Complaints Of Violence During The COVID-19 Pandemic

JAKARTA - The Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (MenPPPA) Bintang Puspayoga said his institution still receives complaints of violence experienced by women and children during the COVID-19 pandemic. KemenPPPA will also maximize its complaint services.

"During this pandemic, there were many cases of domestic violence that occurred both through complaints from LBH Apik, as well as through the KemenPPPA Symphony Data," Bintang said in a virtual press conference broadcast on BNPB's official YouTube account, Wednesday, 22 April.

In addition to maximizing complaint services, KemenPPPA will also maximize the fulfillment of health rights for children and women while ensuring the availability of health facilities.

"To support the fulfillment of health services, especially reproductive health services, it must be ensured that it is still carried out because it cannot be postponed. Such as examinations for pregnant women, childbirth, family planning services, and others," he said.

To maximize monitoring of women and children, KemenPPPA is working with the District Health Office to collect and process selected data according to sex and age.

As a result, as of today, KemenPPPA records that there are around 14,755 women who become People Under Supervision (ODP). Then, there are 4,254 women who are also Patients in Care (PDP). Furthermore, there were 94 women who tested positive for COVID-19 and were then treated, 27 people were declared cured, and there were 41 women who died.

Then, selected data from KemenPPPA from 21 provinces also recorded that there were ODP children of 14,755 people, PDP of 4,254 people, positive for COVID-19 and then treated as many as 94, 27 children who were declared cured, and 41 children who died.

"This is just what we got from 29 provinces. From the red areas we haven't got them, we haven't got the three provinces yet," he said without explaining which provinces he meant.

"Our hope is for the regional leadership of the regional leadership, hopefully involving friends from KemenPPPA to participate in the task force team," he added.

Meanwhile, with regard to the data on the number of violence referred to by Minister Bintang, seen from the Symfoni-PPPA website, it was recorded that in 2020 there were 2,344 cases of violence with 1,958 female victims and 548 male victims.

Most female victims were vulnerable aged 25-44 years with a total percentage reaching 32.1 percent, followed by vulnerable ages 13-18 years reaching 30.9 percent.

For places where the violence occurred, the highest number occurred at home with a percentage reaching 60.1 percent, and the most victims of violence were students with a percentage reaching 34.4 percent.

Meanwhile, for men, the age range most victims of violence was 13-18 years with the percentage reaching 44.2 percent. Furthermore, 27.9 percent of men aged 6-12 years were also victims of violence.

According to the location of the incident, 42.8 percent of violence against men occurred at home and 17.4 percent in public facilities. Male students are a group that is vulnerable to violence, up to 55.8 percent, while 16.4 percent of men who do not work are also victims of violence.