Ahead Of Eid Al-Fitr 2021, IKWI Jaya Shares Gifts For Duafa

JAKARTA - Ahead of Eid al-Fitr 2021, the management of the Indonesian Journalists Family Association (IKWI) DKI Jakarta distributed 500 packages of food to, members and warakawuri families of PWI Jaya members, which took place at the secretariat of PWI Jaya, Prasada Sasana Karya Building 9th Floor, Jalan Suryo Pranoto No.8 Central Jakarta. Sunday (09/05/2021).

This activity takes the theme, "Pandemic Is Not An Obstacle to Continue Sharing", is part of IKWI Jaya Social Service in Ramadan 1442 H, aimed at easing the burden of members and warakawuri PWI Jaya affected by the Covid-19 Pandemic.

"This is part of our concern with ikwi's extended family in Jakarta and surrounding areas," said IKWI Chairman Jaya Novi Enebelty, during a symbolic distribution of aid.

Furthermore, the Chairman of IKWI Jaya said that the need for food for the family is the main thing. "Gifts in the form of this food, do not be seen from the price. But this is our concern to the community and members to the family warakawuri IKWI Jaya," added Novi.

On that occasion, the Chairman of IKWI Jaya expressed his gratitude to, PT. Pertamina International Perum Perhutani (Persero) Refinery, PT. PLN (Persero), Yayasan Pundi Amal Peduli Kasih YPP, PT. Pertamina Hulu Energi, PT. Wijaya Karya (Persero), PT. Pelindo III (Persero), PT. Trans-Pacific Petrochemical Indotama, PT. Pertamina Lubricants, PT. Insurance Services Indonesia (Persero), Nina Nugroho, PT. Jasa Marga (Persero) and YBM PLN.

"We express our gratitude for the cooperation and trust of the donations. Hopefully this cooperation can continue for the future," said Novi.

Meanwhile, Chairman of PWI Jaya Sayid Iskandarsyah appreciated the food distribution activities conducted by IKWI Jaya Management.

IKWI Chairman Jaya Novi Enebelty handed over the parcel. (Special)

"This is a great concern of the Ikwi Jaya Board, various during Ramadan during the Covid-19 pandemic. Moreover, the distribution of food is not only to members but also to Warakauri IKWI Jaya," he said.

In this activity is also distributed food symbolically to still each warakawuri representatives and journalist families, which can later be delivered to each region.

The activities carried out by IKWI Jaya remain with health protocols in mind.