Ministry Of Transportation Clarifies Agree With The COVID-19 Task Force, Local Homecoming Is Officially Prohibited

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation and the Task Force have agreed to prohibit local homecoming in an urban agglomeration area. In a joint press release with the Task Force and the Ministry of Transportation, it was explained that from the start the policy taken by the government was the elimination of homecoming which took effect from 6-17 May 2021.

The exceptions in agglomeration areas focus on transportation services for daily essential activities such as work, health checks, logistics, and so on. Homecoming activities are still prohibited and activities that have the potential to create crowds should be avoided.

However, the rules in the Minister of Transportation Regulation Number 13 of 2021 have not been changed. In this Permenhub, the prohibition on transportation travel is excluded in one urban or agglomeration area.

The eight areas are Medan Raya, Jabodetabek, Bandung Raya, Semarang Raya, Yogyakarta Raya, Solo Raya, Surabaya Raya, and Makassar Raya. This is what makes the public judge that local homecoming in 8 agglomeration areas is permissible.

Spokesperson for the Ministry of Transportation, Adita Irawati, claims that the Minister of Transportation Regulation Number 13 of 2021 is in line with the Task Force Circular Letter Number 13 of 2021 which prohibits going home in any form.

"The government has firmly stated that homecoming is prohibited. In agglomeration areas going home is prohibited," said Adita in his statement, Friday, May 7.

Adita said that going home is prohibited in agglomeration does not mean that transportation activities are also prohibited. Moreover, there will be no insulation in one agglomeration area.

"What is allowed is essential activities, and transportation will still serve the people in this area with restrictions. Be it land transportation in the form of road or rail transportation, it will continue to serve the community with restrictions on operating hours, frequency and number of fleets. In addition, it will be tightened. as well as monitoring of health protocols, "said Adita.

Previously, the Chairperson of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force Doni Monardo asked the regional government and local officials to prohibit local homecoming during this year's Eid homecoming prohibition period, May 6 to 17, 2021.

"We hope that local homecoming is still prohibited. Do not allow local homecoming to occur," Doni said in a virtual coordination meeting of the COVID-19 Task Force on Sunday, May 2.

This was reiterated by Wiku Adisasmito, spokesman for the task force for handling COVID-19. Wiku emphasized that local homecoming is also prohibited during this year's Eid homecoming period.

"To solve the confusion that exists in the community regarding local homecoming in agglomeration areas, I emphasize that the government prohibits any form of homecoming, both across provinces and in one agglomeration city district," said Wiku.

However, Wiku emphasized that other activities besides going home in one regency / city or agglomeration, especially in essential sectors, will continue to operate without any kind of isolation in order to accelerate regional socio-economic activities.