In Fact, A Cool Environment Has The Potential To Increase Weight

JAKARTA - Living or working for a long time in a room or in a low temperature environment can lower the body's core temperature. Do you choose to live in a cool and comfortable environment?

Based on a review by Professor Kenneth McLeod at the Clinical Science and Engineering Research Laboratory, Binghamton University, State University of New York, a decreased core body temperature can trigger the metabolic rate according to and is related to how fast we burn calories.

Usually, living or working in a low temperature room can cause you to gain weight. How can and how do you keep your weight and metabolism stable?

To keep the metabolism in balance and the body's core temperature not to decrease even if living in a cool or cold environment is to pay attention to the factors that affect metabolism.

The first is basal metabolism, which requires two-thirds of the total calories burned into energy for respiration, blood circulation, cell growth, brain function, and digestion of food.

Exercise or physical movement can also generate body heat through chemical reactions that make muscles contract. The third process which is the production of heat occurs in special tissues, called 'brown fat'.

This section maintains the core temperature which is found to be very useful, its function is to keep the body from freezing since the ice age. Launching The Conversation, Friday, May 7, with an increase in body temperature, the metabolic rate will also increase and this means that more calories are burned.

Furthermore, body temperature is in line with metabolism so that it has a positive effect on health. Well, the level of body temperature and metabolism cannot be separated from the environmental conditions in which we live. If the body's core temperature decreases by 1 degree, then metabolism can decrease by up to 7 percent.

If you gain weight but can't find the cause or your diet and lifestyle have not changed unless you check for a drop in body temperature that affects your metabolism, it means putting a thermostat in the room to make sure.

Professor Kenneth suggests that the right room temperature is when you feel comfortable. It's not too hot and doesn't leave you cold. Usually the temperature is 22 to 27 degrees Celsius.

To keep your core body temperature from dropping, you need to take several steps. For example, wearing a jacket or making sure the body remains moving so that the body continues to produce heat and keeps the metabolism working in balance.