PBNU Calls For Preachers To Be Social Media Literate
JAKARTA - The Nahdatul Ulama Board (PBNU) has called for preachers to be aware of social media. In order for the message to reach the congregation, the dakwah pattern is not merely conventional.
Moch. Bukhori Muslim, Secretary of the PBNU Da'wah Institute, said that social media is able to control the minds of the masses. Moreover, people now prefer cell phones to television.
"If today you are not open to information and changes, believe me in the next 10 years you are the people who are left behind because change and innovation will never stop, even though you insist on not changing," he said in a discussion of the Nusantara Knitting Seminar with the theme " Ramadan and Social Media Community Exist Invites Goodness "organized by Bakti KOMINFO, Friday 7 May.
According to him, preachers must have a strategy that is literate in information technology and ready to counter attack in cyber war, productively making informative, interesting and humorous content.
Member of Commission I DPR-RI, Helmy Faishal Zaini added, social media is like a knife, so this social media is double-edged, it can be used as a field of goodness, but this social media can also be held by people who may not be responsible.
"Many of our people are not ready to accept this new era. On the other hand, it turns out that there is an incessant flow of information that is hoax in nature, information that we certainly cannot accept the truth of."
"Make social media an important part of our efforts to create friendly Islamic Da'wah, not angry ones, and soothing Islamic Da'wah," he explained.