PLN Will Convert PLTD To EBT Based, First Stage Conducted In 200 Locations

JAKARTA - PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) or PLN will convert 5,200 units of diesel power plants (PLTD) located in 2,100 locations with a capacity of 2 megawatts (MW) into new renewable energy (EBT) -based plants.

PLN President Director Zulkifli Zaini said that in the first phase, the conversion of PLTD to EBT would be carried out in 200 locations with a total capacity of 225 MW. The first stage is currently in the procurement planning process, and is targeted to operate in 2023 and 2024.

"The PLTD conversion program, we are implementing, not only meets the target of a new and renewable energy mix, but we know that there are many PLTDs with old conditions," he said in a virtual press conference, Friday, May 7.

For the second phase with a potential of 500 MW, procurement will start to be carried out in 2022 with a gradual operation target from 2024 to 2025. Meanwhile, said Zulkifli, the third stage, with a potential of 1,300 MW, is planned to be COD or operate in 2025.

Zulkifli said, the conversion step of PLTD to EBT was developed to be able to supply electricity to the community 24 hours a day, where previously it was only 6 to 12 hours a day.

"The conversion of PLTD to EBT is developed to be able to supply electricity needs in full 24 hours. So that it will increase the social economy," he explained.

Not only that, said Zulkifki, Indonesia will also get a multiplier effect or a double effect, namely a reduction in the number of subsidized fuel oil (BBM) from PLTD.

"We understand that PLTD uses BBM, uses diesel that we import. We understand that one year Indonesia imports fuel of Rp. 200 trillion. So that the reduction in fuel from the conversion of PLTD to EBT will indirectly reduce fuel imports and ultimately reduce fuel subsidies," he said.