Update On COVID-19 As Of April 21: Use Of A Robotic Extraction Machine To Assist Specimen Examination

JAKARTA - Spokesperson for handling COVID-19 Achmad Yurianto (Yuri) explained that the number of swab sample checks nationally as of April 21 had been carried out as many as 50,370 specimens. This examination is carried out in a number of laboratories throughout Indonesia.

From this examination, more than half of them have been detected and the number of positive samples infected with the corona virus or COVID-19 has reached 7,135 specimens. Meanwhile, the negative sample was 39,038 specimens.

"The specimens we examined have reached 50,370. There were 46,173 cases examined," said Yuri at Graha BNPB, Jakarta, Tuesday, April 21.

The number of positive cases is the result of the addition of 375 new cases from the previous number. Then, the addition also occurred in cured cases, namely 95 people.

Meanwhile, in cases of death due to COVID-19, there were an increase of 26 patients on the previous day. Thus, as many as 616 patients were recorded as victims of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

"Today we get 375 new confirmed cases, bringing the total to 7,135 cases recovered, increasing by 95 people, bringing the total to 842 people. 26 people died, bringing the number to 616," said Yuri.

Based on the report from the Health Office (Dinkes) in the district / city, it was recorded that the People Under Supervision (ODP) reached 186,330 people.

Meanwhile, for Patients Under Supervision (PDP), experienced quite a lot of bondage with the number of 16,763 people. Later, the specimen from the PDP will be examined in the laboratory by performing a realtime PCR examination.

The number of samples that have been detected has increased due to the swab specimen examination process using a robotic extraction machine. Director of the Eijkman Institute of Molecular Biology (LBME), Prof. Amin Soebandrio, explained that the use of this technology can double the examination of specimens.

"Initially, the ecstasy capacity was only 180 samples per day, now it has become 325 samples per day," said Amin.

Currently, there are 3 units of robotic extraction machines called 'automatic spin column extraction'. This robot is tasked with detecting whether or not specimens are infected with the corona virus. The number of samples examined could reach 1,116 specimens per day.

The technology is especially helpful when examining samples sent to the Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology. Because, for each day the average specimen examined reaches 314 samples.

"The Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology has received 6,124 samples or an average of 314 samples per day. Ranging from 31 to 657 samples per day and samples taken for this test are swab samples," said Amin.