Urinating After Sex Is The Cause Of Difficulty Getting Pregnant, Is It True?
JAKARTA - Having an intimate relationship is an obligation for married couples. Having sex is also one of the keys to household harmony. After sex, women in particular often feel like urinating, right?
Apparently urinating after sex has nothing to do with urinary tract infections. In fact, urinating afterward can help prevent urinary tract infections. Many people also say that urinating after sex can prevent pregnancy. Is that right?
In fact, women are obliged to urinate after sex. Even so, this in no way interferes with the pregnancy program that you and your partner are running. When penetration occurs, ejaculation is released into the vaginal canal. Meanwhile, urine is released from the urethra. The two of them are distinct and separate things. For this reason, urinating does not actually affect pregnancy because it doesn't remove anything from the vagina.
In fact, urinating after sex can help eliminate bacteria that appear during intercourse, which come from various sources such as hands, condoms, penises, sex aids, and others. Therefore, urinating can help push the bacteria out of the urethra.
While urinating is good for flushing out bacteria, you don't have to rush straight to the toilet after penetration to urinate. Experts say, the ideal time to urinate after sex is 30 minutes. This is done to get the benefits of preventing urinary tract infections. If you don't feel like urinating, drink plenty of water after sex.