Various Strange Questions During The National Insights Test Of KPK Employees Revealed

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Employee Center Yudi Purnomo spoke about odd questions during the National Insight Test (TWK) interview. Yudi admitted that he was asked whether he, as a Muslim, would like to say happy holidays to people of other religions.

This then surprised him. Because, he is often done giving happy holidays to people of other religions and has become a common thing.

"I was surprised when I had a question about whether I would like to wish people of other faiths a happy holiday," said Yudi in his statement to reporters, Friday, May 7.

As a Muslim, he continued, he was not just giving words. Yudi, who is the Chairman of the KPK WP, often attended Christmas events with employees in his office and even gave remarks.

"In fact, I even invited my wife who was wearing a veil and we were warmly welcomed by celebrating friends," he said.

Not only that, when the COVID-19 pandemic occurred, Christmas celebrations were still carried out online. "And I also gave a speech," he said.

He considered that the interviewer should have received information that the habit of saying happy holidays to employees of other religions is something that is usually done either through short messages or in person.

Even so, when he was interviewed in the test, he emphasized that religious differences in the KPK are common. Because, the most important thing is cooperation in eradicating corruption.

"I also showed proof of printed photos of the Christmas activities to the two people who interviewed me as evidence," he said.

"So the radical issues and the Taliban outside are just rumors," the KPK investigator added.

Apart from Yudi, former KPK spokesman Febri Diansyah also talked about the interview questions in the test which are one of the requirements for the transfer of the status of KPK employees. There are four questions and one of them is whether KPK employees are willing to become second wives.

"Is this question appropriate & appropriate to be asked by KPK employees to measure national insight," he said as quoted on his Twitter @febridiansyah.

Apart from being asked whether he is willing to be a second wife, there are other questions such as why he is not married, whether he still has the desire, and if he is dating, what to do.

"If it is true that the question is asked by an interviewer to a KPK employee during the national insight test, I really run out of words and am confused about what exactly is being aimed at and what is the meaning of national insight," he said.

Febri urged that the National Insights Test questions and papers participated by thousands of KPK employees be opened. This is a form of transparency.

"Hopefully there will be a complete explanation from the KPK, BKN or Kemenpan about this," he said.

Previously reported, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) finally announced that 75 of its employees had not passed the National Insight Test (TWK) assessment. This assessment is a requirement for anti-gas commission employees to become the state civil apparatus (ASN) as mandated by the Corruption Eradication Commission Law Number 19 of 2019.

The questions in this assessment were made by five agencies, namely the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), the TNI Strategic Intelligence Agency, the Indonesian Army Intelligence Center, the Army Psychology Service, and the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT).

The Indonesian Army Psychology Service and the TNI Strategic Intelligence Agency play a role in the implementation of the modernization index test for the state and integrity.

Meanwhile, BIN and BNTP play a role in the profiling of KPK employees. The TNI Strategic Intelligence Agency, the Indonesian Army Intelligence Center, and the BNPT play a role in conducting interviews with KPK employees.

Furthermore, BKN together with BIN, BNPT, the TNI Strategic Intelligence Agency, the Army Intelligence Center, and the Army Psychology Service became the observer team for the results of the test assessment.