Apparatus Tasked With Preventing Homecoming Is Urged To Use A Persuasive Approach

JAKARTA - Member of Commission III DPR Andi Rio Idris Padjalangi appealed to the police in charge of implementing the Eid homecoming ban on May 6-17, 2021 in the field to put forward a persuasive approach to the community. This step is to avoid misunderstanding by officers when preventing residents from going home.

"There should be no friction with the community. If necessary, approach the culture of each region to be targeted. Those that go to Java and Sumatra are different," said Andi Rio, Friday, May 7.

In addition, the police are also asked to regulate the flow of traffic for motorists who want to make a U-turn. The authorities must anticipate the accumulation of the number of vehicles, especially in the rest area when returning to their respective homes.

"The police must anticipate this, this step is an effort to avoid fatigue and break the chain of spreading COVID-19," Andi explained.

The Golkar Party politician hopes that the public can follow the government's advice not to go home for Eid for the protection of their respective families. Because, according to him, the presence of travelers has actually raised concerns about the spread of COVID-19.

"Do not let Indonesia like Malaysia and India experience an explosion in the number of the spread of COVID-19 significantly," said Andi.

It is known that the Traffic Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya noted that they had taken action against 1,258 homecoming vehicles on the first day of the prohibition of going home in Operation Ketupat Jaya 2021, at 14 blocking posts and 17 check points, May 6, 2021. Violators were asked to turn around the vehicle. .

"The total number of vehicles turned back for Polda Mertro Jaya is 1,258," said Head of Public Relations at Polda Metro Jaya Police Senior Commissioner Yusri Yunus, Friday, May 7.

Yusri said the officers took action against six motorbikes and 11 passenger cars with a total of 17 vehicles, at 17 checkpoint points.

"Then, at 14 blocking posts, six motorbikes, 954 passenger cars, 175 buses, a total of 1,241. So that the total is 1,258 (checkpoints and insulation posts)," he said.