Firli Bahuri: The System Should Not Change Corrupt Behavior

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Firli Bahuri said that there have been thousands of corruption cases that have occurred in Indonesia from 2004-2021. These corrupt practices mostly occur during the process of procuring goods and services in government.
Of course, this haram practice also involves many parties. Including regional heads who are currently serving.
"There are so many corruption cases that have occurred in Indonesia, at least 1,146 corruption cases from 2004 to 2021 and so many regional heads are involved, having legal problems with criminal acts of corruption," Firli said in a discussion agenda broadcast on YouTube, Friday, 7 May
Thus, he welcomed the launch of an application called Bela which can be used by local governments to shop for goods and services online in order to avoid corrupt practices.
It's just that, according to him, corrupt practices are not sufficient if only prevented by technology and systems.
"Whatever the system is, whatever the technology is, if we don't have the will or enthusiasm to make it happen, the system will not be able to change our behavior at best," he said.
Furthermore, Firli also asked the Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus (APIP) to carry out its duties and functions properly. The goal is that there are no more regional heads caught in corruption cases while carrying out their duties.
"We want APIP colleagues to carry out their supervision and ensure that the procurement of goods and services runs," he said.
In addition, he hopes that APIP can provide consultation and guarantee the performance of ministries or agencies. So, the procurement of quality goods and services as needed.
"Finally, (APIP, red) educates the development and vulnerability of corruption," said Firli.