The Bittersweet Memory Of The Brutal Shooting Action At The 21 Years Old School Of Silam

JAKARTA - A brutal shooting that killed 16 people took place in Nova Scotia Province, Canada. To coincide with today, April 20, to be precise 21 years ago a similar incident had also occurred.

The incident occurred at Columbine Highs School, which is in Littleton, Colorado, Denver, United States (US). Where two teenagers, Dylan Klebold (18) and Eric Harris (17) opened fire on the whole class with semi-automatic rifles.

At least two teenagers killed 12 students and a teacher, and injured 23 others. The brutal shooting ended with the suicide of the two shooting each other.

Launching the History page, the shooting action sparked a national debate about gun control and school safety. Where the results of the temporary investigation do not yet know the motive underlying the teenagers shooting their schoolmates.

Victims of the Columbine Highs School shooting (twitter @BabyThrive)

Some speculation has surfaced regarding the allegations that Klebold and Harris deliberately shot school athletes, minority groups, and Christians as victims. This is believed to be from a student's report, Cassie Bernall, who was once asked by one of the perpetrators about her belief in God.

"Yes" he was shot dead. Her parents then wrote a book entitled 'She Said Yes' in honor of their daughter who died believing in God. However, apparently, the question was not actually asked of Bernall but to the other students who were also shot victims. When the victim replied, "Yes," as the perpetrator walked away.

Subsequent investigations also found that Harris and Klebold chose their victims at random. Where their original plan was to make two propane bombs to be detonated in the school cafeteria. Next they would shoot at everyone running outside the school building. However, all plans were canceled until finally Harris and Klebold went to school to carry out their brutal shooting.

There is speculation that Harris and Klebold committed the murders because they were members of a group of social outcasts called the 'Trenchcoat Mafia' who were fascinated by Goth culture. Violent video games and music have also been blamed for influencing the killers' attitudes. However, none of these theories have ever been proven.

Until finally, Columbine High School reopened in the fall of 1999, the brutal shooting action has remained with the Littleton community. Mark Manes, the owner of the gun shop where Harris bought 100 rounds of ammunition, was sentenced to six years in prison.

In fact, Carla Hochhalter, the mother of a student who was paralyzed by the shooting, committed suicide in a gun shop. Several other parents filed suit against the school and police. Including Dylan Klebold's parents who sued the police for not being able to stop their son's intentions before the incident occurred.

The Columbine shooting is one of the worst school shootings in US history. At least until April 16, 2007, when another brutal shooting took place at the Virginia Tech campus in Blacksburg, Virginia. 32 people died in the incident.

Not long after, the shooting also occurred again in the school area, specifically in Newtown, Connecticut in December 2012. Then it was followed by Parkland, Florida in February 2018. Analysis conducted by the Washington Post in March 2018 found that since the 1999 Columbine shooting, there had been shooting. in school every year in the US.

Now, brutal shooting is taking place in Canada. And somehow, it happened the same day the Columbine Highs School shooting act. The incident which lasted for 12 hours was touted as the worst mass shooting in Canada.