Bribe Nurdin Abdullah Will Be Tried Immediately At The Makassar Corruption Court

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) handed over a file on the bribery case of the inactive South Sulawesi Governor Nurdin Abdullah, Agung Sucipto. The director of PT Agung Perdana Bulukumba is the bribe to Nurdin and the Secretary of PUTR Sulsel Edy Rahmat.

The transfer of files to the Makassar Corruption Court (Tipikor) was carried out on Wednesday, May 5.

"The KPK prosecutor Zainal Abidin has transferred the case files of the defendant AS (Agung Sucipto) to the Makassar Corruption Court," said Acting KPK spokesman for prosecution Ali Fikri in his statement to reporters, Thursday, May 6.

Furthermore, the KPK is just waiting for the decision of the panel of judges to preside over the trial with the first trial agenda being the reading of the indictment. Meanwhile, Agung's detention is now under the authority of the Makassar Corruption Court.

In this case, Agung was charged with two articles, namely Article 5 paragraph (1) letter a of the Corruption Law in conjunction with Article 64 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code and Article 13 of the Corruption Law in conjunction with Article 64 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.

Previously reported, in the investigation into allegations of bribery and gratuities related to projects in the Provincial Government (Pemprov) of South Sulawesi, 32 witnesses were questioned. The witnesses consist of the state civil apparatus (ASN) and other parties.

The KPK named Nurdin Abdullah as a suspect in the case of alleged bribery and gratification related to the procurement of goods and services, licensing and infrastructure development in the South Sulawesi Provincial Government for the 2020-2021 Budget Year.

This PDIP politician was named a suspect with the Secretary of the PUPR Office of South Sulawesi Province, Edy Rahmat. Meanwhile, the Director of PT Agung Perdana Bulukumba (APB) Agung Sucipto was named a suspect in giving bribes.

While serving as Governor of South Sulawesi, Nurdin was suspected of receiving bribes and gratuities with a total value of Rp. 5.4 billion related to projects within the South Sulawesi Provincial Government. Rp2 billion was given from Agung through Edy. The bribe was given so that Agung could return to work on the project in South Sulawesi for the 2021 budget year.