Highlighting The Corruption Eradication Commission's National Insights Test Question, Fadli Zon: We Experience Setbacks In Our Nation

JAKARTA - Member of the DPR Gerindra Faction, Fadli Zon, highlighted the questions raised in the National Insight Test (TWK) of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) employees. Where the question is the reason 75 employees do not pass the test.

The questions that are being debated are those that pertain to the personal realm of belief. Like the Islamic sect, up to qunut or not during prayers.

The deputy chairman of the Gerindra Party assessed that if the questions circulating in the community are true, then this is a sign that the nation is experiencing a decline.

"If the questions about the Nationality Test of the employees of the @KPK_RI as circulating, we are really experiencing a setback in the nation," said Fadli via his personal Twitter account, @fadlizon, Thursday, May 6.

The chairman of the DPR BKSAP said that the leaked questions could interfere with the freedom to practice the religion and belief of each individual because it was not related to the integrity of KPK employees.

"A number of questions have nothing to do with integrity, they could even interfere with the private sphere of people's freedom in carrying out religious teachings and beliefs guaranteed by the constitution," wrote Fadli.

Previously, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) had announced the results of the National Insights Test Assessment which was attended by 1,351 KPK employees.

The announcement was made by the National Civil Service Agency (BKN) in the context of transferring KPK employees to the State Civil Service (ASN) when holding a press conference at the KPK's Red and White House, on Wednesday, May 5, 2021. However, the polemic has attracted public attention due to the circulation of material. The questions given have no correlation with national insight or employee integrity. The questions in the national insight test are in the form of Qunut, marriage, homosexuality and the occult.