The National Vision Test Is Considered A Platform For KPK Officers To Weaken The Eradication Of Corruption

JAKARTA - Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Employees Forum said that the National Insight Test (TWK) assessment carried out as a condition for the transfer of employee status is a form of weakening the work to eradicate corruption. This is because this test has the potential to get rid of employees who are investigating large cases with integrity.

"This test can serve as a filter to get rid of KPK employees who have integrity, are professional, and have strategic positions in handling major cases at the KPK", said the Head of the KPK Employees Forum Yudi Purnomo Harahap in a written statement quoted on Thursday, May 6.

He emphasized that since the beginning, the KPK's attitude towards this assessment was clear by sending a letter numbered 841/WP/A/3/2021 which was sent on March 4. They considered TWK has the potential to be a means to get rid of employees who handle cases or occupy strategic positions.

In addition, the test, which is a new measure for passing and failing to pass, is considered to have violated Article 28D (2) of the 1945 Constitution concerning the guarantee of fair and proper treatment in work relations.

"In fact (violates, red) the KPK Law itself. Because the KPK Law and PP 14/2020 regarding the implementation of status transfer do not require TWK", he said.

Yudi continue, TWK only appeared in Commission Regulation Number 1 of 2021 which was not even raised in the joint discussion meeting. "This raises the question, who is the internal party of the Corruption Eradication Commission who really wants to include TWK as an obligation", he said.

Furthermore, this test is also not by the principles of transparency and accountability because from the start the consequences are unclear.

Not only that, but Yudi said this was also against the Constitutional Court Decision Case Number 70/PUU-XVII/2019 which was read out yesterday, Tuesday, May 4. In this decision, it was emphasized that the transfer of the status of KPK employees should not be detrimental to the employee's right to be appointed as ASN (State Civil Apparatus).

"In this regard, the KPK leadership as the leader of the law enforcement agency should consistently implement the Constitutional Court decisions by not using TWK as a new measure in the transition process which causes loss of the rights of KPK employees", said Yudi.

Yudi reminded that the eradication of corruption cannot be separated from the context of institutions and apparatus with integrity in its fulfillment. "All efforts that have the potential to hinder the eradication of corruption must be rejected", he said.

After polemics, the KPK finally announced that 75 employees had not passed the National Insight Test (TWK) assessment. This assessment is a requirement for anti-gas commission employees to become the state civil apparatus (ASN) as mandated by the Corruption Eradication Commission Law Number 19 of 2019.

This announcement was made by KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri accompanied by KPK Deputy Chairman Nurul Ghufron, KPK Supervisory Board Indriyanto Seno Adji, and KPK Secretary-General Cahya H. Harefa.

"There are 75 employees who do not meet the requirements (TMS)", Firli said in a press conference held at the KPK's Red and White House, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Wednesday, May 5.

However, the former Deputy for Corruption Eradication of KPK did not reveal which employees did not pass the selection. The reason is that the KPK upholds the enforcement of human rights and does not want this to have an impact on their families and the environment around them.

Previously reported, the KPK is working with the State Personnel Agency (BKN) to conduct an assessment of national insight for its employees. It's just that, recently it was reported that several employees did not qualify so that they would be fired and one of the rumors was a senior investigator for Novel Baswedan.