The Irregulars Series Did Not Continue

JAKARTA - The Irregulars series from Netflix is confirmed not to continue into the next season. The news was broadcast a month after the first season was released on March 26th.

Launching Deadline today, May 5, Nielsen leaked that The Irregulars was one of the most watched Netflix series at the start of its release.

The series also received positive responses from critics. Evidenced by the acquisition of 78 percent on the Rotten Tomatoes site. Netflix itself has never explained the reasons for content cancellation.

The Irregulars tells of a gang of problem children in London who are manipulated to solve crimes. They worked for Doctor Watson and Sherlock Holmes.

As evil forces threaten, they work together to save not only London but the entire world.

This story was adapted based on the work of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and played by Thaddea Graham, McKell David, Jojo Macari, Harrison Osterfield and Darci Shaw.

Irregulars was written and produced by Tom Bidwell.