Pros And Cons Of Mayor Gibran Rakabuming's Action To Fire The Village Head For Extortion

JAKARTA - The Mayor of Solo, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, removed the head of the Gajahan Sub-district, Suparno, because of extortion (illegal levies). The dismissal reaped the pros and cons.


Residents of Gajahan Urban Village, Pasar Kliwon Sub-district believe that the former Gajahan Village Head Suparno is not guilty of alleged illegal levies under the guise of zakat withdrawal by the Community Protection officials.


Unscrupulous of Community Protection collect zakat worth IDR 11.5 million from 145 shops in Gajahan Village, Pasar Kliwon District, Solo City.


The withdrawal came with a letter allegedly signed by Suparno so that the Mayor of Solo Gibran was immediately fired from his position.


Protested by Residents

After the removal, a banner of support for Suparno appeared from a group of people.


One of the support for Suparno can be seen from the photos scattered on the WhatsApp messaging application. People can see that they put up a banner with support for Suparno and put it up in front of the Gajahan sub-district office.


It can be seen from the photo, the incident occurred when it was dark. Some of the banners read 'Save Lurah', 'We Trust Suparno' and 'Lurah Hebat Kok Dipecat'.


"It was installed at 02.00 WIB, but at 06.00 WIB it was removed. The banner was taken to RW 07, the youth was taken there because he was told to clean up. Earlier, the sub-district head was here, Civil Service Police Unit was here", said Chairman of RT 01/RW 05 Gajahan, Joko Purwanto at his residence, Monday, May 3.


Joko himself admitted that he was disappointed with the removal of the head of the Gajahan village. According to him, Suparno is a good urban village head.


"Disappointed, because he is a good person in the community. I don't know about the levy, how come I was suddenly fired, so disappointed. People support (village head), they don't accept being removed", he said.


Gibran Responds to Protests

Solo Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka spoke up after receiving protests from residents of Gajahan Village, Pasar Kliwon District about the dismissal of their village head, Suparno.


For Gibran, illegal levies (extortion) in the form of alms and zakat fitrah are still mistakes and must be accounted for.


"The mistake is clear. The letter is clear, what kind of letter he wrote, what kind of editor. Yes, still wrong, he is responsible", said Gibran at Solo City Hall, Central Java, Monday, May 3.


Gibran also invited residents who wanted to collect signatures of support as a form of protest so that their village head would not be fired.

Praised by PDIP

Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan Party (PDIP) supported the move by the Mayor of Solo, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, to dismiss the head of the Gajahan village for being involved in the illegal collection of zakat on Eid al-Fitr.


According to PDIP politician Hendrawan Supratikno, Gibran's steps showed a smart leader. This is because asking people for funds under the guise of alms is not justified.


"It is a good first step. Shifting wrong perceptions and traditions is an entry point for smart political positioning", he told VOI, Tuesday, May 4.


In the current condition of Indonesia, said Hendrawan, presenting the face of the bureaucracy that serves the people is very important.


"That answers the longing of the people", explained the member of Commission XI of the Indonesian Parliament.


Regarding the residents' blasphemy who did not accept it because the head of the village was fired by Gibran, Hendrawan assessed that every policy had risks. However, he said, Gibran deserves thumbs up for his courage to take a stand as a young leader.


"Every political positioning carries risks. Every struggle is always faced with resistance or the strength of the status quo. That is where the public's guts and guts are measured", said Hendrawan.


Between Firm and Imaging

University of Al Azhar Indonesia political observer Ujang Komarudin agrees that anyone involved in extortion, especially a regional head, must be prosecuted and sanctioned according to the laws and regulations.


However, Ujang questioned whether in dismissing the village head, Gibran had gone through the existing procedures. Do not let the dismissal of the task be just an image.


"First, whether the dismissal is by the procedure or not? In city administration procedures, the village head is a civil servant. The boss is indeed the sub-district head and then the mayor. The only problem is, was the dismissal by the procedure or not? That may be a problem in itself", said Ujang to VOI, Tuesday, May 4.


If there is a protest from the community who defends the village head, said Ujang, it is normal. Because, extortion like that often occurs anywhere in Indonesia, including agencies.


"So why was only the village head arrested? That's a problem", he said.


Second, there is usually a warning rule. If the head of the village is guilty, there should be a warning from the superior.


"What are the rules like? Usually, there is a first warning, two warnings, and so on. If you immediately fire it, it becomes a question mark from the village head's supporters", said Ujang.


"Third, we certainly want local government wherever it is clean. So we can clean it up. If there is blasphemy, it is a risk from a mayor", he continued.


Nevertheless, Ujang assessed that the dismissal could be the right step in the midst of the many phenomena of extortion in government agencies. But on the other hand, it is also natural for Gibran to spread a firm image to raise his level in government.


"It's everywhere (extortion, red) but there are regional heads who want to move up the governor to the next level, they have to improve their good performance. One side is done because there is extortion, one side is because of imaging. Politics is normal", said Ujang Komarudin.