Research Findings: Open Minds Make You Happier, Healthier, And More Creative

JAKARTA - A person's personality determines how he sees the 'world'. Based on research, personality also influences accepting reality in life.

Thomas Oppong, founder of Alltopstartups writes that open-minded people may have different realities. With an open mind, mood and self-disclosure influence how a person sees the world visually.

Reporting from Business Insider, Tuesday, May 4, people who are less open to reality need a long time to improve their lives. Experts suggest practicing cultivating openness, for example by meditating and being open to new things.

Because human consciousness has limits, when you focus even one point on an image, for example, the whole image is blocked. Even though it is very possible that what you are looking for is not visible at that point.

Because of this, facts, data, and knowledge need to be observed or watched out for in order to create a condition that is being sought.

A study covering the field of psychology conducted by Anna Antinori, Olivia L. Carter, and Luke D. Smillie revealed that open-minded people can live in a very different reality. Open-mindedness has a big effect on mood and creativity.

This research shows that personality traits include ways of thinking, feeling, and behavior not only changing a person's outlook on life. But also in daily life practice, including reality in the office, relationships with family, friends, and lovers.

Even more amazing, life satisfaction, emotional well-being, physical health, and longevity are also influenced by personality.

Based on a number of studies, although personality relatively does not change over time, it is proven that personality can be forged or trained. That is, it can change if it gradually carries out self-renewal. If a change of focus is undertaken, it will usually have a better effect.

How to train? Expert advice, try to look for opportunities to improve, expand and see the novelty aspect of your life. Better yet, increase your cognitive abilities as you open your mind.

Allen Langer, Ph.D., a psychologist at Harvard provides a few recommendations. A person who acts attentively or does not ignore any activity even though it is silly and unattractive is one step towards a more open mind.