Immerse Yourself In The Spiritual Values Of The 'J-Rocks' Faith In The Way Of Life

JAKARTA - Imanine released his first solo instrumental single, The Way Of Life, on Friday, April 17. This independently composed song shows the spiritual side of the musician who is better known as Iman 'J-Rocks'.

The Way Of Life has been made since 2008. But, for one reason or another, this song has never been officially released. Imanine revealed that now is the right time for him to launch one by one solo material that he has never published.

"So, (The Way Of Life) was all done by myself. All the instruments were played by myself, the videos were shot myself and I edited myself. I am also a videographer. The essence is not alone, with God," said Imanine to VOI.

Imanine admitted that the process of making this song just flowed just like that. At that time, Imanine was undergoing a recording session with J-Rocks. By morning, when the other personnel were sleeping, it was even difficult for him to close his eyes.

"It was as if I made this song automatically. There was a push from within (myself)," he recalls.

If we listen to this song from beginning to end. There are a lot of Imanine guitar entries that are oriented towards his idol guitarists. Call it, Yngwie Malmsteen and Gary Moore. So, how much influence do they have on Imanine's guitar playing in this song?

"If the problem is there is the influence of Yngwie (Malmsteen) and Gary Moore, then surely they will have a huge influence on my musical career journey. Yes, because I really like them," he said.

He then explained that even though an instrumental song is not equipped with lyrics, it does not mean that there is no special message in it. As the title implies, The Way Of Life contains a very deep message.

"This life is only temporary. Sometimes happy, sometimes sad, sometimes happy and sad at the same time. Sometimes there is money, sometimes broke, sometimes remembering, sometimes forgetting, everything is sometimes or temporary. We are all on a journey of life that is difficult. different but in the end all will arrive at the final goal, which is returning to God, "Imanine explained.

The chord progressions of this song are also unpredictable. In film terms, you might say that there are many plot twists. The dynamics fluctuate. Where did the idea come from?

"The idea came from God. I also don't understand, because it just ran away, bro. Of course, I'm using a different frequency here than general music today. I use music frequencies that classical composers used to use and also a frequency that is in harmony with nature. Hopefully those who listen can be healthier physically and spiritually, "explained the man who also really idolizes Kurt Cobain.

From the above explanation, it seems that the spiritualization level of The Way Of Life is not playing games. This song has a lot to do with one's relationship - in this case Imanine - with God.

"From my point of view, music is spiritual and everything I do in music is solely because of Allah. Divine anta maqshuudi wa ridhoka mathluubi ... Music is a blessing from Allah. Everything in this universe is a symphony of Allah, "concluded Imanine.