THR ASN Without Performance Allowances, Misbakhun: Sri Mulyani's Wishes For Jokowi To Be Carried Out Differently

JAKARTA - Member of Commission XI DPR Mukhamad Misbakhun asked the government to take seriously the emergence of a petition from the State Civil Service (ASN) complaining that the value of the 2021 holiday allowance (THR) is too small.

This petition was made because the THR paid was only the basic salary and attached allowances without including performance allowances.

Misbakhun questioned the policy of the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati. The reason is, the 2021 THR ASN disbursement is carried out through a different formulation, between the Government Regulation (PP) and the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK).

"There is a difference between President Jokowi's wishes in PP and the PMK made by Sri Mulyani as Minister of Finance. I don't know what the Minister's motivation is to make a different formulation. This is clearly controversial," Misbakhun told reporters, Tuesday, May 4.

The East Java legislator was of the opinion that the ASN protests made the THR rejection petition very rational. This is because it is part of the conscience of ASNs who feel that they are being treated unfairly because what they have had right according to the PP is amputated at PMK.

"Apart from the struggle to get his rights as ASN, this petition is also good so that President Jokowi knows that among ASN there are voices who feel unfairly treated by Sri Mulyani," said Misbakhun.

In fact, he suspects that the term Sultan's Ministry alluded to by the petition refers to the Ministry of Finance.

This is because, said Misbakhun, so far, in terms of tukin, GPA and incentives, the Ministry of Finance has indeed greater the nominal value of the rupiah and its grading. Meanwhile, the 1st echelon unit in the Ministry of Finance which is suspected to have received 4 tukin times is the Directorate General of Customs and Excise.

Because of that, according to Misbakhun at the Ministry of Finance there are terms Step-Child and Childbirth. And the term adopted child was born because of the different treatment between the Directorate General in the Ministry of Finance.

"I have heard rumors about the unfair treatment of tukin payments between the Directorate General at the Ministry of Finance for a long time that even the payment for the tukin was done secretly and was only distributed through the WA group. So that when it was closed and circulated in limited circles," said the Golkar politician.