Denies Ever Kissing The Lips, Ayu Ting Ting Calls Ivan Gunawan Bencong

JAKARTA - Ivan Gunawan admitted that he was asked to date by the sworddut artist, Ayu Ting Ting. Ivan Gunawan revealed this when he was a guest star on the Nebeng Boy show on YouTube Boy William on Saturday, March 20.

When asked by Boy about the criteria for his ideal woman, Ivan admitted to admiring small women, like Ayu Ting Ting. In fact, Ivan openly said he liked the mother of this one child.

"I love her, maybe now the only woman who never changes from my heart is Ayu Ting Ting," said Ivan Gunawan. Boy also continued the question towards a more intimate direction. Has the designer ever kissed the widow of one child? "Never" said Ivan.

So far, Ayu Ting Ting has been silent and has not commented on this statement. But it turned out that Ayu Ting Ting was angry and felt the confession of Rossa's ex-lover was not true. When meeting Ivan Gunawan, the "Sambalado" singer immediately discussed the designer's confession about the kiss.

"What are you talking about on YouTube? You said you kissed me. When will I kiss you? What are you kissing, don't make up," said Ayu Ting Ting, quoted from the YouTube channel Qiss You TV on Tuesday (4/4/2021).

"Yes, you did kiss me backstage. Lip kiss," Ivan Gunawan replied. In fact, Ayu Ting Ting could even swear that she had never kissed Ivan Gunawan.

The widow of one child also called Ivan Gunawan a canned bencong. "By Allah, I never did. Uh, halu. Ih can," said Ayu Ting Ting.

Ayu Ting Ting began to understand why Igun insisted on a statement about kissing lips. He speculated that Ivan Gunawan did not want Ayu Ting Ting to be in the arms of another man.

"You say that so there is no boy who likes me, right?" Asked Ayu Ting Ting.

"Yes, until you get stuck, I'm stuck, udeh," admitted Ivan Gunawan.