Astra Infra Prepares 2,035 CCTV For Up To 33 Patrol Cars Even Though Homecoming Is Prohibited: Rest Areas Are Expected To Become 'Tourist Attractions'

JAKARTA - The government has stipulated a ban on this year's Eid homecoming which takes effect from May 6 to 17. Even though going home is prohibited, Astra Infra is still preparing various facilities on the toll roads it manages.

The CEO of Toll Road Business Group Astra Infra, Kris Ade Sudiyono, predicts that the eventual windfall traffic phenomenon that usually occurs during Eid on connectivity toll roads is predicted not to occur. Meanwhile, toll roads in the agglomeration area are predicted to be stable.

For this reason, Astra Infra still pays attention to various facilities on toll roads. In terms of total security, 2,035 units have been prepared for Closed-Circuit Television. Then, the provision of tire pressure checking facilities at 14 Rest Area points, as well as optimizing 200 Warning Light.

"To support the smooth running of traffic during the Lebaran homecoming ban, Astra Infra has prepared operational services including traffic service fleets, transaction services and operational officers. Currently, the total Traffic Service Fleet prepared is 33 patrol cars, 9 rescue units, 18 ambulances, and 26 Highway Patrol", he said in a written statement received by VOI, Monday, May 3.

In addition, Kris said, all Astra Infra toll operational officers are required to carry out strict health protocols even though they have been vaccinated against COVID-19.

"To ensure the readiness of infrastructure and operational services, the Directors of Astra Infra routinely stay in touch with frontline officers such as patrol officers, medical officers to maintenance technicians at each Astra Infra toll road, during the Safari Ramadan Berkah", he explained.

Kris said Astra Infra also strives to keep toll road users healthy and avoid COVID-19 by implementing digital receipt innovations on the Tangerang-Merak, Cikopo-Palimanan and Jombang-Mojokerto Toll Roads.

"This innovation is expected to foster a new culture for people to familiarize themselves with digitalization as an effort to mitigate the spread of COVID-19", he said.

In addition, Kris said, to support the healthy relationship of toll road users during Eid, Astra has also provided 14 type A rest areas and 12 type B rest areas that are friendly, safe, comfortable and of course strictly implement health protocols. Not only as a place to stop for rest and worship, road users can stay in touch with family and relatives while enjoying local cuisine and culture.

"With various facilities supported by beautiful natural panoramas, the rest area on the Astra Infra toll road can be a choice of tourist destinations during Lebaran moments", he said.

Astra Infra together with the local police have also prepared traffic management for situational conditions and related to insulation. For toll road users who need information or assistance while on toll roads, Astra Infra also ensures that call center officers are always on standby 24 hours. Still in a series of healthy hospitality campaigns, Astra Infra also holds Ramadan Sharing activities.

"This activity is one of Astra Infra's concerns for the community around the toll road in the form of distribution of Idulfitri food packages and donations for orphans, donations of stationery/school equipment to orphans and iftar together with orphans and work partners", he said.