Gajahan Residents Against: Great Village Head How To Get Fired, Gibran Insists: Still Wrong!

SOLO - Solo Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka spoke up after receiving protests from residents of Gajahan Village, Pasar Kliwon Subdistrict about the dismissal of their village head, Suparno.

For Gibran, illegal levies (extortion) in the form of alms and zakat fitrah are still mistakes and must be accounted for.

"The mistake is clear. The letter is clear, what kind of letter he wrote, what kind of editor. Yes, still wrong, he is responsible", said Gibran at Solo City Hall, Central Java, Monday, May 3.

Gibran also invited residents who wanted to collect signatures of support as a form of protest so that their village head would not be fired.

"Yes, please, I'm not in the way. What is clear is that the mistake is clear", Gibran said.

Suparno's dismissal began with a circular requesting alms and zakat fitrah from 145 shops in the Gajahan Village area, Pasar Kliwon District. Total alms and zakat fitrah reached IDR 11.5 million.

Gibran also moved quickly to the shops and apologized for the incident. He also provided compensation for the money that had been requested in the amount of IDR 50-100 thousand.

The eldest son of President Joko Widodo advised the public to channel alms only through the official institution, namely Baznas. Beyond that, it will be counted as extortion.

In response to Gibran's decision, the residents of Gajahan protested and asked him to abandon his intention. The residents even put up a white banner with the words 'How great was this Village Head Was Fired?'

Apart from the banners, residents also collected signatures in support of the village head. Chairman of Citizens Association Gajahan Village, Joko Purwanto, said that the signature would be handed over to Gibran.

According to Joko, the work record of Suparno Urban Village has been good and satisfying. He is close to residents and even does not hesitate to reach into his personal codecs if there are activities from residents.

"He also often pays cleaning money first. If there are residents who have not paid, he really wants to cover the shortfall", said Joko.