5 Phases A Woman Goes Through After A Breakup

JAKARTA - For women, a breakup is the hardest moment to go through. After deciding to separate from your partner, it feels like the days are gloomy and lackluster, want to cry and contemplate in the room as much as you like, lack of appetite, and are reluctant to move.

Yes, the name separation sometimes brings its own wounds. Especially if you and your partner have to separate in unexpected ways, for example, there is an affair or maybe family opposition.

Feeling sad and heartbroken after a breakup is normal and normal. His name is also parting with loved ones, right?

There are several phases that are quite common in women after a breakup, here is the list:


The first seconds you break up with your partner, usually you will start to enter a phase of confusion. In this moment, feelings are really mixed, between feeling guilty, sorry, doubting whether separating was the right decision, still hoping to improve the relationship, still wanting your ex to contact you and not really realizing that you and he have broken up.

Until the next few hours or even days, you will feel very gloomy, full of sadness and crying, and feel that your life is shattered by the separation. You become lazy to eat, don't concentrate when you have to work, and your head is still full of your relationship that just ended.

Seek friend support

Enter the next phase where you will meet your closest friends to share your feelings. Make sure you have a reliable friend who is willing to accompany you during these difficult times, plus you will be able to tell at length how you felt after the breakup and how it broke your heart.

You can also ask friends to stay with you for a while so you aren't alone. You can invite them to stay at home, go on vacation together, or spend the whole day hanging out and having fun so that you can at least forget about the sadness that is being experienced.

The lonely phase

Until finally you have to start separating from friends because of their respective activities. You also begin to have to go through the day alone. In this phase, you may feel lonely. Nothing can be chatted continuously like when there is a partner. You also start to get confused about wanting to travel because you are usually always with your partner.

In this phase, you will go through days that feel lonely and are often sad if you suddenly think of your previous partner and relationship.

trying to forget

You will come to the point where you begin to accept this condition, that you and he have separated. You will try to forget all the memories with him and start encouraging yourself to get through everything well. However, it's best not to be too hard on yourself because forgetting someone you once cared about is hard. It's best to find activities that keep you busy so you can forget themselves.

Doing activities as usual

In the end, you will rise up on your own. You can go about your day as usual and do everything to the fullest again. Although sometimes each of you often think about the past, you are now more focused on seeing what is right in front of your eyes. In this phase, there are some people who choose to open their hearts to others or even enjoy being alone and happy without a partner for a while until they are completely recovered.